
Thank you!

Brilliant but good lord, what circle of hell is that?

I am not a Steve Harvey fan but that is NOT a scandal. Faux pas at most.

Aw, thanks.

I agree he’s gross but unless there’s evidence he’s a child predator I somewhat disfavor leg breaking although it does remind me of a charming story from my childhood...

I agree he’s gross but unless there’s evidence he’s a child predator I somewhat disfavor leg breaking although it does remind me of a charming story from my childhood...

It doesn’t read as if his beef is directed at his wife but with the constitutional monarchical system itself which limits his ability to have a fancier title.

I’d rather burn the roof of my mouth with a hot cheese pizza.

Chuck Schumer has forgotten more about McCain than Edwards will ever know. It’s naive to think the Dems don’t know how to use their down time to resist and realign. We’ll be back, rested and ready. But what a shame we’re not enjoying the Hillary agenda now.

Cool your jets. We’re floating single payer but we have to do this carefully. Timing is everything.

Interesting. I would have expected it to be even less now that we are in the middle of the tightest resistance game we’ve ever run. It’s not that hard to read and here’s the playbook:

She should write about her lesbian exploits.

Only the most unread person in America wouldn’t know what Democratic Party values are by now.

That shows naivete on the part of some process-watchers. Democrat will get Republican spurning a sensible way forward every change they can get. It’s an excellent tactic or the party on the outiside - which we are for now. If Stassa Edwards wants to do something effective, she should call her local Democratic Club

This week Republican congressmen have been threatening to beat and shoot women in the Senate.

Giuliani is not better even slightly. Lateral, yes. But I don’t think he’ll take it.

Tillerson has been a disaster and there is no hope of him being replaced by somebody not a disaster. We are doomed.

Of course, as do we all. And as women I think we have a lot of influence on a personal level with men. A woman is often the only best friend a man has and that is the reality. Perhaps they don’t like to concede that. For sure something gets lost somehow in the large cultural picture.

That’s why I limited myself when discussing her agenda to those two specific things. Her election alone would have assured decent SCOTUS appointments and a stable health care market. Even the most hostile congress could not put off ‘advise and consent’ further. As to health care, one major reason the ACA is

If HRC were President today, we would have a great Supreme Court and our healthcare would be a lot more solid. At the end of eight years of HRC, we would have had a legacy to be so proud of. Greatest tragedy outside possibly the Civil War she was not elected.