
If HRC were President today, we would have a great Supreme Court and our healthcare would be a lot more solid. At the end of eight years of HRC, we would have had a legacy to be so proud of. Greatest tragedy outside possibly the Civil War she was not elected.

If HRC were President today, we would have a great Supreme Court and our healthcare would be a lot more solid. At the end of eight years of HRC, we would have had a legacy to be so proud of. Greatest tragedy outside possibly the Civil War she was not elected.

Right because in the view of males there is no such thing as an admirable woman worth emulating?

I don’t think he merits that distinction; he’s just an average, mediocre, unimaginative troll. ;-)

Nobody cares what you think about cats because your “opinion” about their health and welfare is an uninformed one. Your notion that most people will die with out A/C in Arizona is another example of lumbering dumbassery.

Arizona homes are built to withstand heat and not require a lot of A/C

How boring.

Average lifespan of a cat allowed outdoors: 18 months. They do fine indoors, especially when provided enrichment and exercise opportunities.

You know, it really is lovely. I’d title it, “Bed of Roses” because luscious irony.

Falling down drunk is such a good look on a lady.

“Oh, boy, do they love Tom and I me!”

I say no. I always felt “Senator” was above McCain’s pay grade. There is a lot about his job he doesn’t understand and refuses to learn.

McCain in his life has been hospitalized many times so I doubt another such occasion would change his thinking on the subject of health care. That said, this illness at this time might add perspective.

I agree we determine our actions (probably, and this is according to most neuroscientists today) and that our actions are part of a collection of events that result in what our future consists of.

Too late. He’s as immoral and unprincipled as his father.

private residency residence.

I should have written, what psychics profess to do - read people. Nonverbal communication may comprise as much as 70% or more of the total communication that goes on between humans.

You’re probably a very astute observer of the human condition.

You’re probably a very astute observer of the human condition.

Tarot readers do what psychics do - read people.