Palin is overreaching since NYT did issue an adequate and appropriate correction. This may be more about publicity and a payday for the Wasilla snowbilly.
Palin is overreaching since NYT did issue an adequate and appropriate correction. This may be more about publicity and a payday for the Wasilla snowbilly.
Palin is overreaching since NYT did issue an adequate and appropriate correction. This may be more about publicity and a payday for the Wasilla snowbilly.
This tracking method has been around since the typewriter. For instance, most municipal government principals like the city manager or city attorney routinely distribute sensitive information to members to the elected Council-members and use the individualized copy tactic to make sure they know if anybody on Council…
Great book to recommend: Fashion Victims by Allison Matthews David.
Gross and sad. Will not watch or follow.
Watch the Trump lie factory - Trump, Pence, Price, and are all launching so-called “listening tours” to hear from “Obamacare victims”. I hope they fail.
Perfect name.
It’s fun to let our imaginations run riot but baby blue doesn’t ease communication and while we might find them pleasing to the eye, black and white candles don’t banish or protect us from nonexistent concepts like “negative energy” (except for the moods we create ourselves).
Will someone please tell me again what this person is doing in our government?
Japanese contests, for years, have been about cutthroat competition, shame and humiliation in defeat. A lot of that was adapted to similarly themed US shows. I think some of that is kind of fun, but in small doses, if you please. Now that I know the GBBS is not cut of that cloth, I’ll tune in.
18 US Code § 1512 - Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
I know this is not exactly a genius insight but ... I think she’s doing it for the attention.
Vicente Fox did a major burn, amirite, Kara?
I am never one to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Cuomo is good. Is he ruthless? Yes. Is he a groin-kicking, vicious, heartless son of a bitch? Absolutely. Are his aims and ambitions in line with mine? Yes. He’s right on infrastructure, minimum wage increase, paid family leave, health insurance…
Will anybody here admit to me that they watch Southern Charm and help a girl out? In the recent episode when they go to Key West, Landon wore a fabulous long beach dress that I’d love to buy. It was floral and the keyhole shoulders tied in bows.
Depends on who is dancing...
Oh... you like bad boys.
The last time I was in a Cheesecake Factory, I ordered the Caesar salad and they brought me a bathtub of it. I ate steadily for half an hour and it looked untouched and yet I still left absolutely disgusted with myself.