
Eh - producers require every cast member to take a turn and for sure she’s mouthy. But she’s never exhibited the gratuitous cruelty some others have.

Eh - producers require every cast member to take a turn and for sure she’s mouthy. But she’s never exhibited the gratuitous cruelty some others have.

Eh - producers require every cast member to take a turn and for sure she’s mouthy. But she’s never exhibited the gratuitous cruelty some others have.

Eh - producers require every cast member to take a turn and for sure she’s mouthy. But she’s never exhibited the gratuitous cruelty some others have.

Eh - producers require every cast member to take a turn and for sure she’s mouthy. But she’s never exhibited the gratuitous cruelty some others have.

Eh - producers require every cast member to take a turn and for sure she’s mouthy. But she’s never exhibited the gratuitous cruelty some others have.

Eh - producers require every cast member to take a turn and for sure she’s mouthy. But she’s never exhibited the gratuitous cruelty some others have.

Yeah, good point. The truth can be painful.

Yes, really.

Boyfriend in the dry cleaning business? I know... still makes no sense.

Bethenny gets all the passes with Ramona from that walk over the bridge forward. All the passes. Bethenny may have a hairline fracture here and there - she’s brave about that - but she’s not vicious and cruel. She’s well within normal tolerances and her values are overall decent.

That would be wise and also strategic because I am factually correct.

Bethenny Frankel is not a monster.

It is 100% a stretch mark and nothing else. Just admit you’re mistaken, thank me for helping you learn something today, even if it is a very minor piece of information. And don’t scratch.


Cuckservative is an epithet coined by the far far right to denigrate the far right.

But he didn’t have to be there. He’s not a committee member.

James Comey in’t even hot-adjacent but if his testimony is the rock that starts the avalanche that destroys the Trump administration, then yes, I would definitely hit that with enthusiasm and joy.

Yes. It. Does. Of that, there can be no doubt. Now, stretch marks can occur without scratching but when collagen gets stretched and itching occurs, scratching can permanently break these strands and scarring will result.

All personality cults severely creep me out.