Whatever you do, don’t scratch - the itching will go away but the stretch marks do not.
Whatever you do, don’t scratch - the itching will go away but the stretch marks do not.
That is tragic. I did and tried to fix it by mixing full-fat into it. All that does is ruin everything.
That is tragic. I did that too and tried to fix it by mixing full-fat into it. All that does is ruin everything.
My inner grammarian is struggling to get out and I’m feeling too weak to stop her. Forgive me in advance but ... the shells are lying on a road.
I would say the death may have been preventable. May have been. Underdeveloped lungs make me wonder if this was a home birth since it’s so unlikely a hospital would release such a sick infant.
I question whether your assumption is true. Few believe her, and I doubt anybody places confidence in any Trump relative or Trump associate doing anything but actively participating in the Trump criminal enterprise.
I don’t believe the assumption is true. Nobody believes her, nobody places confidence in any relative doing anything but actively participating in this criminal enterprise.
I don’t believe the assumption is true. Nobody believes her, nobody places confidence in any relative doing anything but actively participating in this criminal enterprise.
I’m for uniforms in public schools.
Ah, but that one brief episode was clearly ‘against type’. I think of these franchises as a bit like pro-wrestling teams and the producers coach the cast and everybody has to take a turn being the heel. Some are clearly attuned to it and some are so awful they don’t even recognize when they are being awful. Mostly…
Exactly. Your approach is what a truly mature and normal adult’s would be.
Not repressed, exactly. Just contemptuous.
Good for you! I am kicking myself for missing the first four seasons. I swear, I feel like Margaret Mead every episode.
Ha ha ha - Trump is such a crazy old fool that he’ll fall for anything.
They are just awful, awful people. That’s why we watch. Most species evolve to pay close attention to the threats, to the predators, to potential danger.
Producers coach the cast and there are plot-lines and all have to take turn being the screech owl. I will miss the best OC housewife ever: Heather “Fancy Pants” Dubrow. Smart, educated, well mannered and not the least sociopathic. Yes, she loves to be right about things and can come off as being a bit insufferable…
Thanks for the information. Most of us are probably vulnerable to all sorts of things at different times so maybe the training is presented in a way that disabuses the trainee of that “not me, this is for those others” mentality?
“Teachers” are mostly a blur unless I stop and go year by year. But individual teachers are incredibly important. Thinking back to grade and high school, I can think of four teachers who deeply inspired me and whose approval was very important. I was a bright student, but uneven and often inattentive. But these…
Whatever you printed them out on would have a traceable code so say you did all that and your local Kinko’s had video of you?
This technology is NOT MODERN. It’s been around from the time of the first color printers, which all sprayed yellow serial code dots on their output. The early stated concern related to counterfeiting.