
Michelle Obama is beautiful inside and out and will always be my FLOTUS.

Makes sense to me, too. Personally, in that kind of scenario, I’d be more apt to want to seduce the science teacher. ;-)

You make a good point; a 45 (or 47 at the time of consummation?) year old teacher generally will tell a lovesick student to cut it out. In a nice way, of course, but Cut. It. Out. And now we have this adult married man who suggests by his own narrative that he’s not capable of genuine emotional intimacy with his

I doubt a middle age woman would share her insecurities with her twelfth-grader paramour. She’d probably be too busy using him to feel amazing and desirable, a goddess.

A 16 year old might be more attractive to you, perhaps, than a 25 year old but whether they are objectively physically more attractive is very debatable.

Just a few thoughts from somebody who hasn’t thought much about this: what seems common to these women and other teachers who have been apprehended having sex with students is that they are all pretty-ish and all young-looking for their age. I wonder if they aren’t also all afraid of growing older, too. And perhaps

Hillary won’t run again but I wish she would. I’d vote for Hillary all day long.

Hillary won’t run again but I wish she would. I’d vote for Hillary all day long.

Hillary won’t run again but I wish she would. I’d vote for Hillary all day long.

Absolutely 100% right on the money. Show us you know how to govern and serve the public, first. Run for town council.

Absolutely 100% right on the money. Show us you know how to govern and serve the public, first. Run for town council.

Absolutely 100% right on the money. Show us you know how to govern and serve the public, first. Run for town council.

Absolutely 100% right on the money. Show us you know how to govern and serve the public, first. Run for town council.

Why not Kamala Harris? Double down on brilliance, intellect, diversity and women!

Why not Kamala Harris? Double down on brilliance, intellect, diversity and women!

Why not Kamala Harris? Double down on brilliance, intellect, diversity and women!

Why not Kamala Harris? Double down on brilliance, intellect, diversity and women!

Why not Kamala Harris? Double down on brilliance, intellect, diversity and women!

The property owners and the City share in this tragedy, but the mgr. knowingly created a fire trap, arguably there is no doubt about that. The fire trap didn’t just spring up by itself.

Age two. Read them this and that way, they grow up never remembering a time they didn’t know the basics.