The kind where the boy chases the girl around, pulls her ponytail because he “hates girls”, feels bad and later gives her a flower. She is overwhelmed and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
The kind where the boy chases the girl around, pulls her ponytail because he “hates girls”, feels bad and later gives her a flower. She is overwhelmed and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Shouldn’t it be: Which Witch witches the witchmen ?
Do you have a larger version we can read? I want to know what $25 can buy education wise... for a friend.
My Sergei history is pretty boring, I only know one.
Don’t move to Australia.
You should meet my wife. Her spider killing ingenuity knows no bounds.
I won Ben Steen’s money once.. turned out to be about $2. Last time I visit the sketchy UHF station on the edge of town..
Not seeing the valves and mouthpiece, my first thought was they would sound like clown horns.. making this Darth Harpo...
They have an argument that centers around software being licensed, not sold. However, when that software is an integral part of a thing that is SOLD, not licensed to me, they kind of lose the argument that I “agreed” to anything, or that they “licensed” anything.
Ahh the good old days of Epic: ZZT, Jill of the Jungle, Jazz Jackrabbit... and Apogee/ID.. Commander Keen, Monster Bash, The original Duke Nukems... so much fun
They heard you were playing ...
I had several games via onlive when they started. I loved it. With a decent internet connection (5-15Mpbs, used it in two different areas) it worked great.
Long live the queen!
I love how the guy in the video can't actually get a play called and just keeps calling timeouts
Fuck that noise. Get a divorce, or at LEAST separation. I speak from experience.
Said the virgin.
....Search for Pokemon and tell me that again. Or hell, game of thrones and look at things like flappy thrones.
As a for-instance: why are most video game endings kind of disappointing? Is it because the developers are stupid and don't know how to bring closure? Or is it because, on average, only a small percentage of the people who buy your game will see its ending and every moment you spend polishing it is one you haven't…
Naming your game with someone else's trademark is pretty f'n cut and dry. This isn't something that falls under the dmca safe harbor where they can throw up their hands and say "oh you have to file a takedown notice". They heavily review the game and should easily detect things like this. That's why my op said…