I bought this game and will likely never play it.
I bought this game and will likely never play it.
Warning, spoilers follow. If you haven’t finished the game, stop reading.
Dolly Madison?? I was always under the impression it was the “Little Debbie” line the fancy lads were parodying
You know what else doesn’t make sense in the star wars universe? You have massive torch ships and you need to build a battle station around a giant frickin laser?
It isn’t about what she has done. It’s about what she WILL do in the future. If Avril is dead, then who will stop the apocalypse that is coming on... I’ve said too much. They’re on to me. *click*
It’s funny you should say that.. since the word persnickety comes from the scots for [blah blah blah, 12 paragraphs later..] and that’s why you’re just plain wrong.
Considering Christ told the people demanding he condone the stoning of a woman “caught in adultery” to eff off (or ya know, let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone, same thing really).. it would help if those who claim to follow him listened.
Try changing your “Roaming sensitivity level”. My wifi card would drop streaming if it was pushed too hard because it kept trying to look for a “better access point”. That and it doesn’t work too well if your xbox is doing 5 ghz and your laptop only does 2.4... (Stupid realtek chipsets b/g/n my ass.)
Vimeo is in the right. Wait wait wait. keep reading: *Vimeo* has to take down the videos because they got a DMCA complaint. As soon as someone files a counter notice it should be put back up, and we need someone to go after Columbia/Entura and actually charge them with perjury. Because every complaint is a sworn…
You could, but do you feel the need to be dehumanized further by your corporate overlords, citizen #24601?
That works, until you have 300 J.S. (John Smith/Jane Smith/Joe Smith/Janet Schuylers) all applying for the same job, or writing books where you want to read more by that person.
Is that name “Randall Savagé” by chance? If so you might have some cross marketing available with slim jims..
Given the script and the amount of inflection they seem to expect, they should just cast Cortana (the one with windows 10) or Siri, or hell, Mircosoft Sam to do the lines.
So If you’re on weekend beat...Sunday comics?
Yeah, my “further explorations” before megaton led me up to alexandria and the pentagon, but I couldn’t get in, so I came back the other way.
I have to dispute the point about megaton.. while after having done a couple playthroughs megaton is kind of the obvious place.. I went the other way on my first play through. I went to the elementary school, then ended up in big town, way before I was ready for it. After struggling my way through that quest line, I…
That rug.. it really tied the room together, man.
Business plan:
Wii had to commit.. the companies that made games for it didn’t and used some of the most gimmicky uses of motion controls. Very few games made me feel like I was doing anything beyond “OK, instead of pressing a button here, shake the controller!” or do something that just felt unnatural for the thing that was…