
Theory: Snoke is actually tiny.

11/10 Would get drunk and talk Star Wars with you all night.

I’m just amazed that anyone has ‘Your Highness’ fan theories.

Not only is Rey a imperfect clone of Luke (from his hand) but Snoke is actually what remains of Mace Windu (after being burnt by Palpatine and fully gone over to the dark side).

Eisenberg’s Luthor was some weak peach tea.

The Abramshitverse is popular holo-novels that 23 century find enjoyable escapist entertainment ,they are Fan-fiction .

Stargate SG-1 is in a shared universe with the Nolan Batfilms. The only reason President Henry Hayes didn’t intervene during Bane’s takeover of NYC is that Bane had stolen the world’s supply of Tretonin (hence the canisters in the mask and ridiculous strength), and was holding Teal’c hostage. The reason everyone in

Everyone is pan too.

I am a Baguette-American!

They were odd and chunky, and either designed with budgetary constraints in mind or ease of toy translation.

Boo! Boooooooo!

I can see it happenning some4thg like this:

Came here for this; left satisfied.

i am really curious if you could go into more detail. i’ve had the same thought about marvel films i’ve seen in theater and on dvd. the color is dull. i realize this might be a stylistic choice, but why? i’m also assuming that your experts realize that very few watching these films are doing so on a properly color

Don’t bee such a buzz kill

Sorry, you’re a Nazi now. Nothing you can do about it.

He also said “pass the coffee, please” and I have said that before. I am kind of worried.

Yup, this is fucking stupid. There’s a whole lot of real, actual news about what Trump is actually doing now that is terrifying and needs to be reported on. The fact that he said something innocuous that Hitler also once said is not one of them.

Bill Clinton, in a speech on  October 3, 1991 he said the same thing.