
“Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!”

Ben Skywalker, AKA Kyle Ren, is so crazy-powerful in the Force (because let’s face it, not even Yoda with 900 years of training could stop a blaster bolt in mid-air and keep it there without pointing his hand at it like that 30 year old Sith wannabe) because he got a double-dose of Skywalker mojo. In other words, Han

I hate that it goes against Walt’s “Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow” idea, but yeah… when I was there last year the tech side was flat-out boring. Soaring and Mission Space were cool, but I’m pretty sure I napped through the Ellen thing and the Imagination purple dragon thing was like the one ride I regretted

Taken out of context?! On the internet?! Never! **clutches pearls**

Huh, this show still exists. Good for them!

The story centers on Robin, the adult version of the boy…

I have a theory that he’s so powerful in the Force because he got a double-dose of Skywalker mojo, but canonically yes, he’s the son of Han and Leia:

Gussie Fink-Nottle will be thrilled! #SuperObscureReferencesFTW

They completely missed the point of the story. Mowgli got to stay in the jungle with his animal friends in the end instead of having to grow up and join the real world. And the way they forced in “I Wanna Be Like You” was just beyond awkward.

Disney has yet to get one of their live-action remakes right, but I *really* hope this one is finally good!

**insert joke about France instantly surrendering here**

Me neither! Then again, I’m in a wheelchair… ;-P

Character-wise, just put a bow tie on Winn and he’s a much more faithful Jimmy.

Did… did they just use the default Photoshop “stained glass” filter on that potrait? Like the worst, most useless filer there is?