
I suspect I know exactly what he’s doing: Trolling 300 million people.

Sorry I’ve had enough coffee this morning to wake up my brain and sort of make sense.

Get the hell out of here with your logical, nuanced thinking!!!

Generally I’d say that this is evidence that Will Smith is a human being, because humans have this odd propensity to make non-absolute decisions. We don’t automatically watch every sequel/reboot/remake, nor do we automatically avoid every one, we instead make a case-by-case decision. Sounds like Will Smith does the

I’m really glad they went with scantily dressed model. It’s a really interesting design for a female character in fiction, the bikini makes me afraid of her and afraid for her.

Actually, you can do it with apples,pears, and figs. Just down right delicious.

Rata2ouille confirmed?

If there’s one thing Zack Snyder is known for its subtlety.

Is it weird that even on mute (in my office) I swear I heard the tie fighter laser shooting sound?

2007 me was damn near suicidal. So hey, I’m kinda winning no matter what.
(I’m getting better, yes.)

Do I live in the future? I was having a video call with my wife on my phone while a robot vacuumed my floor. During the call my house turned the lights on for me because the sun had set.

He drew cartoons depicting such machines.

I was about to say the same thing. The technology to easily do this is available, there is just no demand for it.

We’re like a kickstarter away from flying cars

Gosh, remember in 2007 when Brian Williams wasn’t a disgraced journalist?

Well everybody knows that those are only just two years away.

The year is 2017. You’re rushed to a hospital unconscious with no ID or medical history. But, thanks to a microchip under your skin, it’s all there. Science fiction twenty years ago, but a biometric reality today.

Shhhh. Let people have fun.
