
So, what was originally on the paper? This has been fun and all, but that’s what has really stuck with me at this point.

Good post. Agreed 100%.

Nor can I, and if anything I feel this article highlights that artists and consumers don’t actually owe one another anything. As a creator, I don’t owe anyone representation of a character or issue, or a specific resolution to a specific problem. Similarly, as a consumer, I don’t owe any creative work my interest or

Yeah... and look where that got us.

I understand very much that people want to see themselves represented in the media they consume, but I can’t really get behind fans dictating to creators how to shape their output.

I couldn’t log onto twitter to post a Deadspin article.

Armored, and inflated, as if he’s wearing a safety vest.

Let’s just say that your mention of beavers broke the dam.

I’ll just wait for the sequel, Beaverine vs Zombeavers : The Dam Awakens.

BMW driver: I’m going to park right here in the spot for disabled people.

I hate when mommy and daddy fight.

I love io9. I love this idea. The constant beating of a dead horse in service to an impressively bland film, not so much.

You clearly underestimate the internets ability to have a problem with everything ever. EVERRRRRR.

As a fan of all things Middle-Earth I just have to add this little detail, showing what the story meant to Tolkien and his wife.

Stories about how climate change on earth is adversely affecting Pluto coming from Maddie Stone in 3...2....

And it’s not something that’s messed up either.

Always good to hear about Pluto.

Twin Peeks, perhaps?

Twin Peeks, perhaps?

Don’t worry. He’s nuts.