
Depends: Modern Cardiff? 21,032 AD Cardiff? Victorian Cardiff? High-tech alien simulation meant to resemble modern Cardiff but with subtle differences that, at first, only the Doctor notices and will wait waaaaaay too long to point out to anyone else?

It does make me ask, though: what are the best places to eat in Cardiff?

“What IS it, Doctor?”
“Doctor, what IS it?”
“WHAT is it. Doctor?”

These women have their priorities straight.

I thought I only had the feels... on the OUTSIDE.

The narrative being pushed didn’t exist. Perhaps not jump to unfounded assumptions next time.

Exactly. I’m all for representation, but it should come from encouragement of new writers and artists. The more diverse the artists, the greater the stories we get. Demanding that an artist should write about something kills the art.

Yeah, while I am thrilled there’s more minority representation in media nowadays I do hate how so many people feel justified in yelling at artists about how to make their art. Push for it in general, don’t push for it in specific pieces of art in my opinion.

So self worth should be verified by what is on television? Come on, get real.

I hold two Bachelor degrees and one masters...believe that it’s only uneducated people that can’t stand your sensitivity all you want, but it’s a majority of people...but the squeaky wheel gets the grease I suppose. I’ve always been a social liberal, but it gets ridiculous after a while.

Why. Does. It. Matter. I get people want to be represented on screen to give themselves a feeling of acceptance, but come on now. Let the people tell their own story. If you want a story of your own, write one. I’m so tired of people saying “well this needs to happen!” in a movie, show, story, etc.

Stranger Things is set in the 80's. The use of homophobic insults by boys and men was common, even when the target was known to be straight.

I was called gay and fag so many times by bullies as a child in the 80's that I could not possibly hope to count the number. Despite this, I was in middle school before I learned that it had anything to do with homosexuality. What the words meant on the playground was that you were weak, or that you complained to

To learn why the elementary school bullies were so quick to use that as a means of insulting their peers and policing masculinity

I’m in disbelief at reading this article and alternating between awe and sadness for Noah Schnapp.

So basically, he is saying what the majority of the world’s population is thinking...stop making every fucking thing about sexual orientation, racism, or any other PC nonsense shit because you weren’t hugged enough by your dad while growing up.

While fandom is a great and wonderful thing,lately it seems to go too far. The amount that people write and regurgitate all over places like Reddit and tumblr pulls the narratives away from the authors. Not to say that will’s homosexuality would be a bad thing, but the fandom determining this while scouting any

Remember, like, two weeks ago when io9 ran an article titled “Let’s Stop Talking About Stranger Things Season 2 Before We Ruin It”? Nice to know that had lasting effect.

Exactly. It was a reflection of the period in the series. But you know how things work nowadays. The slightest notion or act of same sex interaction automatically needs to be gayed or lesbo’d up to pander to the vocal masses.

There is no correct solution. The only way to win is not to play.