Madeline Ashby

So, this kind of behavior has been going on on Jezebel for months, but as soon at it hits other sites, that's when Gawker intervenes?

I still maintain that the Dark Mirror universe of Star Trek is our best hope of "salvaging" JJ Abrams "contribution" to the franchise. I'd find his vision of the Trek Universe (and its total disregard of basic physical laws as well as common sense decision making) a lot easier to swallow if the payoff somewhere down

I think someone mixed up the proofs for Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and Lolita.

Isn't that part of the sexist default, though? The dude's job is the most important thing in the family, so everyone moves for it. What about his wife's job? What about the kids' friends? It's actually nice to see the high-flying man make the sacrifice for once.

"Any time you point at someone you've got 3 fingers pointing back at yourself."

Not life-changing for you, you mean.

Bebop has made me a very picky anime viewer. "Yeah, but it's no Bebop." It's just so TIGHT.

Life-changing is a bold statement to declare, especially since pretty much what it means is complete subjective. Without Cowboy Bebop, a lot of my musical, literary, and film preferences might have gone down a different path.

I dunno, it got me to start listening to Jazz music at a pretty young age, that was life changing. Kenny G tried first and didn't do all to well.

Beg to differ. Order of installation matters. It changed my life, much more so than Evangelion, or any of the others on this list—my love for Miyazaki notwithstanding (and I can't believe you didn't mention Kiki, or at least Princess Mononoke).

I am not an anime fan by and large, but Cowboy Bebop (for me at least) is simply one of the grandest and most perfect artistic statements of the 20th century.

Except in the part where most people who saw Bebop subsequently got into anime... which is a very measurable life change. I'm sorry you're wrong, are you going to be okay?

Yoko is utterly amazing- an incredible, catholic ear who has travelled all over the USA, dropping in at Jazz sessions and doing recordings all while doing her own compositions.

Perhaps it was because I saw it at a very vulnerable and impressionable time in my life, but Cowboy Bebop changed my life in ways you can scarcely imagine. "Whatever happens, happens" was and is a mantra that I've clung to dearly when the world around me appears to be coming undone. It is a source of comfort, and

Cowboy Bebop did for me (to a degree) what Akira does in this list and I was only able to catch it by accident. For me, it served as the perfect gateway into dozens of wonderful shows and stories both within and without the medium that I'd never get around to seeing, or in some cases reading. I'd say that's pretty

I mean, that's pretty subjective, dude. I've seen most of the stuff on this list, and I like Bebop more than pretty much all of it. It influenced my taste in space opera, in music, in fashion, and in world-building. Plus, there's a lot to be said for a show that's just so much more plain *fun* than stuff like

Life-changing, in fact, at least for me. it's because the Yoko Kanno score that I started listening to jazz -which I couldn't stomach to that point- 10 years ago. guess my second favorite genre nowadays

"Life-changing" would be watching an anime that actually got someone hooked on watching anime. If I showed the average person one of over half of the shows/movies mentioned, they'd probably never watch anime again. Which, I suppose ,would be life changing in its own sense. Cowboy Bebop might actually get someone

Awesome, wonderful, massively entertaining show. Not life-changing.

Second. This list is egregiously incomplete without Bebop.