Madeline Ashby

And by "retake Yunkai," what Daenerys really means is "send him to Northern Ontario to wear flannel and look after Kira Manning."

Gah, I keep trying to edit this to say "Charlie Jane" instead of just "Charlie," but nuKinja is thwarting me. -.- I really do know your whole name, I swear.

Thanks for sharing, Charlie! I should mention that this gorgeous cover is the work of the very talented artist Erik Mohr, whose other covers you can find here:

This was how I read the episode, as well. It's telegraphed pretty clearly when Garrett, Coulson, and Quinn are in a room together: the Clairvoyant can't see that moment in time when Coulson resurrected, but can see all the other moments around it. So, the Clairvoyant games the system to put himself in place to learn

Nicely done. Nicely. Done.

*slow clap*

My partner wrote a whole novel about this, actually:

I came here just to answer "Clue."

There I was scrolling along, and then this image appeared and I just starting tearing up. His story still gets me to this day.

"The Fall" is stunning. Recommended. Go watch it, right now.

I wish I could hug this comment. Yes.

You're goddamn right. Eyeballs boiled in Velveeta is what those things are.

I stand corrected! (I wrote this just having made borscht the other night, and those red beets struck me as plenty sweet.) Thank you.

By "red sugar," they may mean beet sugar. Which would also lend the cake its colour.

This is only fueling my long-burning desire for an all-female Expendables-type movie. With Helen Mirren. And Michelle Yeoh. And Summer Glau. And Zoe Saldana. And Chloe Moretz.* And, and, and...

This. Nailed it.


It's been over 24 hours, so I think I'll just post most of the comment I left at the original post. Apparently it's still "awaiting moderation."

Agreed. Darabont got into "The Walking Dead," because of this (you'll notice a bunch of castmembers are in the film), if that series had retained half of this movie's suspense, drive, and general quality, I'd still be watching it.