Madeline Ashby

I know right? How could you not recognise that?
I think the author must have only listened to 'Buddy Holly' because it one of the most recognizable songs ever, to me :)

ARRG who doesn't know this song!?

one of my life dreams is to orchestrate an a'cappella version of Only in Dreams.


If we're going to go there with leaving kids in cars, then I think it is vastly more important to write a story about "don't do it, don't do it, don't do it" with even owning a gun if you are the parent of a child. An average of 37 children per year die left in cars. Over 3,000 children per year die because of a

Scodie goes on to praise Scout Willis's breast-baring as somehow powerful and cool, because reasons.

The potential with this is endless.

I'm strongly considering Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. Is that one acceptable?

I actually skipped the Father Daughter dance and I refused to let anyone "give me away". My dad and stepdad both walked me down the aisle, but then they sat down skipping the "who gives this woman away" part. I was adamant about that. I was 35 when I got married and had been living on my own for 17 years with very

So, am I the only one who's thinking, when/if I get married, I'm not doing this? I'm a 31 year old woman. I respect my dad and love him and what not, but I resent all these traditions that suggest being passed from one family and one man's care to another. I haven't lived with my father in 13 years.

"Fine"?! I think this is hideous. The top of the dress looks like a top you'd find in a Delia's catalog circa 1995.

To be fair - a large percentage of Yum! Brands stores are KFCs - which are HUGE in China and have a different menu. I get that it's not Vietnam, but the Company has shown a history of being able to take on Eastern flavors and food styles and still remain popular.

Consider your curiosity satiated, because it sounds like angry Christians yelling while soft rock plays in the background.

Studies have shown that most people figure out what gender they are between the ages of 3 and 5. Yes, that young. You would never question a DFAB (designated female at birth) kindergartener declaring herself a girl, you'd never argue that she couldn't possibly understand what gender means, so why would you question a

He tried to get the pride flag taken down during the Olympics. His one remaining friend on city council that he isn't related to has made serious complaints about the parade and ways he would limit expression during it, all of which he and his brother have agreed with. This year, when asked if he was attending, he

I saw that and was like "If you're calling Wai-Ching ugly we're gonna have to take this outside!" Then I read the text and phew. I got married in one of her dresses too. I was scared to drop $1k on something I couldn't try on or return, and then it was even more beautiful than I expected. She is freaking amazing.

Many Bothans... died to bring you this wedding dress.

Looks like a dress from a very special Star Trek wedding. It would blend right into any episode of TNG.

I understand why people find Paltrow unbearable, but she's consistently been the best part of the Iron Man franchise, other than Downey himself. Pepper is grounded and witty, and her liason with Tony Stark is the closest superhero movies come to an actual relationship.

"Elliot Rodger and company aren't the mentally ill outliers that the media (and the NRA) depicts them as. They're much more common than we want them to be. They're capable of being functional members of society."