
I personally knew, as well as saw an alarming number of acquaintances on social media, who very outwardly expressed this sentiment when I lived there. And this was before Trump was even anywhere close to politics. I can’t imagine how much it blew up afterwards.

Or the ones in their own states.

Well, all those poor unemployed white men in Indiana finally have their chance to get a job they complained were being taken away from them!

Chill out, dog.

I managed to beat this game using a keyboard so I think I’m going to go for the Switch version. It was easily one of my top 5 games last year.

Still waiting on Amazon to do something with all the top level talent they hired. Has there been updates on pretty much any of their projects?

I’d like to clarify that I appreciate them. I just don’t enjoy looking at some of them.

I appreciate abstract stuff, I just don’t really like it.

This is the garbage I speak of.

#1 and 2 should have both been Bo Jackson.

Went to the museum this weekend and was astounded by the number of trash paintings.

This was going through my mind before I read your comment. No way in hell anyone with any support for this administration would apologize for anything ever. They have absolutely no empathy or humility for anyone who doesn’t agree with everything they say.

I’m waiting for all the parrots to start using this. It’ll be the new “snowflake” or “winning”.

“We thought it was open source since it was free?”

Wait seriously? How the fuck does that happen? They have 50 other rulers they could worship from their history and they pick the one dude that murdered the absolute shit out of them?

You know what I hear constantly?

If you were a ten year old and a gang member told you to join their gang or they’d rape and murder literally everyone in your family, and you know they will, what would you do?

Not to mention how they’ve spoken about refugees from El Salvador. If you have any idea what those fucking people have been through then you would immediately apologize and ask them for forgiveness. It was basically hell on earth for some families there.

To be fair, I would also be terrified.

You call people animals when you want to justify whatever it is you want to do to them. It’s just history repeating itself. The fact that people don’t see this shit isn’t exactly surprising, but it is sad that we still haven’t changed in that way.