
Gonna have to disagree. The power would be with whoever makes up the laws. They could end up being the complete opposite of what you’re proposing. I’d like to use Donald Trump being elected President of the United States as evidence of how fucked it could be.

Watch us find out it was actually Burrows.

I saw The Witch, at an Alamo Drafthouse, and the people I sat next to were the most annoying uppity couple of snobs I’ve ever sat near in a movie theater. They were constantly scoffing, laughing, and groaning throughout the entire thing. At the end they bust out laughing while the rest of the theater was dead silent

I’m betting on both this and next generation so they can rack up the sales. They’re not dumb, they know what they’re doing.

Also, something something SJW something something *loud shit noises*.

What does that have to do with people from the Middle East and North Africa?

He just needs to assume someone always wants to knock him out.

I’ve never been in an actual fight as I was always small and smart enough to know I’d get beat to shit.

I just discovered them in December and they shot up right there with Coheed as my favorite. Have heard from a lot of people they are really good dudes.

And holy fuck is that solid as hell.

I literally just got on the computer to go check this out. Glad we’re on the same page.

Mario Tennis Aces?

Guild Wars 1 was my first real online game back when we could finally afford a computer decent enough to run it...on 56k too. I made my first and lifelong online friends after having been screamed at by one of them for running a casino in Lion’s Arch during the early days of the game.

have you watched Ship of Heroes at all? I just checked it out yesterday after having never heard of it and it looks like they’re making pretty good progress compared to City of Titans. Idk how much hope I have for either, but it’s something.

Man I told my cousin that I lived by Disneyland once and his eyes lit the FUCK up. This hellion got all super polite and started to softly and nicely ask questions about it. It was hilarious.

They are kind of right, if you don’t think about it at all.

Best and most cinematic sequence in all of Star Wars IMO. This is exactly how I would expect most Jedi v Sith fights to go.

I work for this industry from all walks of life, meaning small/big/huge/bank/credit union/rural/urban, and I can easily say that I’m surprised more FIs don’t go under. Sure, there’s a lot of incompetency, but the big guys are just destroying the small/local FIs. The number of choices people have are plummeting every

That turned from gross to fucking hilarious with a single photo.

It’s not just about saving it for ourselves, it’s saving it for everyone in the world. These are places where you can hear 10 different languages being spoken in earshot, different religions, different countries, just people from all walks of life coming together to appreciate and respect places that cannot be rebuilt