
Yeah that’s a big part of it. You will almost certainly drink again. The important part is having a steady form of support behind you if, or when, it happens. People who haven’t seen it, experienced it, etc. don’t understand how hard it is, but fuck it’s hard. It’s so fucking hard.

It’s absolutely ridiculous that people are complaining about this. You want to watch someone nonstop cussing and being a dick on stream? Pick any one of the other 5000 streamers.

Am white, worked with all white people at CVS; you should see how some of us react when “sketchy” people come in. It’s like something out of a Key and Peele sketch.

While I don’t doubt it was racist bullshit, I’ve seen some scummy bullshit from tow truck drivers. You give them $250 cash and then the bill is magically $180. That’s a nice little “tip”.

“That sumbitch thought he done pulled a fast one on your old pops, but I showed him what happens when you mess with the best. Yeah you guys. Hello?”

There’s a Terry in there too.

Best to him with the rest of his life. Hearing him talk about his dealing with cancer was a huge inspiration and, honestly, life changing moment for me and how I dealt with it for my dad. Hearing someone talk so openly, honestly, and realistically about it is extremely rare.

Throughout the years, and many burner accounts because I’m an idiot, I’ve always enjoyed your vast range of articles. I mean, shit, you made driving to find a random Taco Bell w/ the new breakfast items entertaining.

As well as people actually breaking their console.

I’m going to guess this is why you liked The Long Dark as well?

Long sleeves and long pants because fuck poison ivy/oak and fuck mosquitos.

And it provides a clear path once you do start a sidequest. It’s pretty fantastic.

It’s funny you say that, my interest in gaming came back with the resurgence of great games on the PS4 last year.

Looked like a pretty good bicycle kick.

Forsberg owns the Avs and he knows it. If a big goal is needed, he scores it no matter how ridiculously difficult it is. I fully expect him to score in every single game against the Avs.

He’s only screaming it so the BALL knows where to go.

Honestly had no idea it was that offensive to anyone. I had it on the same scale as “dickhead”, “asshole”, and “piece of shit”, but apparently I was mistaken.

Sounds like you’re trying to equate “cunt” to the n-word. Let’s not do that.

“I had been drinking” isn’t an excuse for being a massive cunt. That word shouldn’t even be in your dictionary and telling people to kill themselves shouldn’t ever be a thought in your head. Just waiting for the bullshit apology before Valve drops him.

Loved that game so much. I didn’t even do land combat because my computer couldn’t run the game worth a shit. I was an Ace Rebel Pilot and made really high end POB parts. I was so pissed when the NGE patch hit because I had just gotten a new computer and planned on playing other parts of the game.