maddy jam

today, in “nobody cares”:

I’m glad for all of the 1.03% of Steam users who own a VR headset of some kind.

Lol. It must suck to be a fan of this IP.

I haven’t logged into Kotaku in a year but I just wanted to log back in and say you made me laugh. Bravo.

Say what you will, but I think the Ouya 2 shows great promise.

To hell with her.

1: Does this series need to be plaed in order or is it a “jump in wherever” type of deal?

“pioneers in law enforcement, guardians of intellectual properties.”

Why am I continually seeing people spam that wildly incorrect report from a nobody website? Nobody has been fired, we’re all still here doin’ our thing. Like these posts, which you’re commenting under right now.

If it’s aiming for the realism of war, the part where you abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed should be interesting.

Was he driving a jeep?

I think it’s time we blow this scene
Get everybody and the stuff together
Ok, three, two, one, let’s AHHHH MY KNEE

“This former President was impeached because...”

Good for Baker. I sometimes get sick of him voicing seemingly everything (that Nolan North isn’t already doing), but if he’s standing up for his principles and supporting his union people, I’ve got more respect for him now.

I’ll never forgive the franchise for breaking up Grant and Ellie, the greatest couple in sci-fi movie history.

This, to me, will forever be the best Trump photoshop:

That sucks. We have it all over the place here in Florida. Seriously the best MD flavor I can think of. pretty good. And on an internet where some of the worst excesses of human nature are encouraged and amplified, it ranks as a completely harmless observation.

Good thing she was not a black cosplayer, or this would have been a completely different post... on The Root.

I’d rather pay to join a porn site. Because at least I know I’m not the only one getting fucked.