
But, but, Zoe Saldana said we no longer need feminism!

*taking out my "Smug and Indignant Reproductive Troll" BINGO card*

I love that they all wag the entire time. If only we could all wag constantly in the face of adversity.

I love how grumpy Marian looks in all of the shots...the resting bitch face is strong in this one. Would be friends!

Doesn't make the editorial staff of The Believer look very good, either; I'm pretty sure the word they're looking for there is "illicit."

Do we have word on what team Hiddles is on? Is he Team All That Is Right With The World, or Team That Other Thing With The Frosting And Shit?


Pfft. I knew it was fake as soon as I saw the black cat.

Before I scrolled down to see the whole cover, my immediate mental image of "sock-wearing Ben Affleck" was entirely different than what it turned out to be.

I don't know what this says about me, but the only thing I got out of that item about Rodriguez and Delevigne is that I need Michelle's skull sweater (sweatshirt?)LIKE RIGHT NOW.

So funny you mentioned that. Growing up, my brothers and I weren't allowed to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other superhero shows, but we were bred solely on ST:TNG. I learned everything I know about sex from the show, which is why I need to ritualistically battle my mate before bedding him.

Ooh, I like the way you think, thanks for that image by the way...but maybe that's why Cumberbatch wears such loose clothing?! teehee!! *dissolving into goo*

Yes, there are times when he's not immaculately tailored. He made some questionable choices when he was younger. I think he wised up and got a stylist a few years ago.

I think he, and I never thought I'd say this, even more than Pierce Brosnan, was born in a suit.

True story—Benedict Cumberbatch is the only person who signed my petition. Weird.

As a designer, this card hurts me in so many ways.

The Dr. Bronner School of Design.

In the words of Shakespeare: