This is risky behavior, that’s for sure,but I’m almost certain that the next big virus that wipes out millions while leaving many more dealing with lifelong health issues will come to us courtesy of anti-vaxxers not orgy goers.
This is risky behavior, that’s for sure,but I’m almost certain that the next big virus that wipes out millions while leaving many more dealing with lifelong health issues will come to us courtesy of anti-vaxxers not orgy goers.
You are not going to be turned down for an organ transplant for using PrEP, and it is enormously irresponsible to spread lies about a medication that not only saves lives, but prevents the spread of a plague. The point of HIV meds is to prevent the transmission of (and deaths from) HIV/AIDS. If people are taking their…
Lawrence needs to stop relying on Chad for advice. When Lawrence fucks up when he’s righting himself, he was usually guided in that direction by some man advice from Chad. What Lawrence needs to do is embrace his inner nerd, play some D&D, and get the confidence he needs to take charge of his life.
My thing is that my general mind set with this show is that all the main characters are fucking up and that’s fine. What I couldn’t stand behind was people being team Lawrence when it was so clear (fine, to me) that he was “dealing” with his situation by dragging other people through his shit and that was not okay. At…
All of his collars choke.
Holy shit. My entire world is crumbling. I thought it was the stripper. Wow. Lawrence is fucking trash. He was too quick to hit up Tasha.
At the very least, he owes Issa some money right now. Maybe he doesn’t know about her crashed car, but he does know that she had to move because they raised the rent. He needs to shell out some serious pocket change for two years of no dough and all woe.
I was pro Lawrence until he called Issa a fucking Ho’. Yeah they were having their breakup conversation and deliberately trying to hurt each other but he became trash to me when he crossed that line. A 5 year relationship is hard to end but there are just some lines you don’t cross.
Hater lol
I kind of feel like the turtleneck solidifies his trashness.
This is literally the worst take I’ve ever heard about anything in my entire life. It’s like Jason Whitlock and Umar Johnson had a baby, and named that baby Tomi Lahren. You are that baby.
I’m stressing out at work right now. Looks like I’m going to go to the kitchen and make some tea. And then wait 20-30 minutes for it to cool enough for me to drink it.
So let me get this straight- this motherfucker publishes an extended paean to herbal tea, but he hates fall. I may have to cancel my Deadspin subscription. Or at the very least stop home delivery and just read online.
I tried drinking tea last year. Even bought a fancy bag of rooibos that smelled nice and floral. After a few days I forgot about the tea. Months later small larvae started to appear in my kitchen that gradually turned into moths. It was the tea.
Alex Jones: [in usual garbage disposal voice] “So, you’re saying I should sacrifice a human infant to a bloody icon of Barack Obama fornicating with Hillary Clinton on top on American flag?”
Boy was my heart was racing toward the end of this blog. I was worried you were going to spill hot tea all over your lap like I usually do.
Shit sucks, right now. Pretty much all of the news is so bad that it’s almost, but not, funny. You can’t even fall…