Mad and Boujee

Florida coastal real estate will be uninsurable and worthless soon, followed by more of the state.

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There’s a crazy cycle of short term fixes to costal erosion inviting more rushed development that encourages more short term fixes.

It is.  Rising ground water levels are chewing away at concrete foundations. 

A report on the structure from around 2018 already exists. It goes something like this:

I’m going to guess nothing will happen because the response from the rest of the state will be “Good, the urban socialists deserve it.”

I, for one, will not be surprised when Ron DeSantis signs into law the “Don’t Blame Rising Sea Levels On Human Caused Global Climate Change” Act that will put anyone in jail for mentioning this and give immunity to wingnuts who commit crimes against anyone who does.

I don’t think Aquaman cares.  He’s relishing that he’s no longer the most impotent superhero.

“One of my concerns is that urban hardscape will become flooded without a plan to remove such infrastructure, and then our coastlines will just become a pile of concrete, metal, and glass rubble,” she said.

When your estranged daughter is obviously your bread and butter.... White people: the original purveyors of mental illness.

How much for that arm?

Reminds me of an ad I saw last week:

This podcast is further confirmation that advanced degrees don’t equate to intelligence. In order to spout the bullshit these doctors did, they had to ignore data and facts. Scientifically trained professionals ignored data in favor of pushing their own white nonsense, in a peer-reviewed journal read by other medical

I’m guessing that and a couple of other details must’ve, uh, slipped his mind when he was planning out this whole trip. (And said plans seem to have consisted of buying a one-way ticket with cash just the day before he flew, after texting others to see if he was wanted.)

In all probability he just assumed African countries were all just grass huts on the savannah and he could just hang out in any one of them. 

Fleeing prosecution is usually looked at as a element of guilt and getting tried in Federal Court is nothing like getting tried in State court.

Happens to us all.

The FBI said Sturgeon, who owns a lawn care business, traveled to Kenya on Jan. 24 and was deported from that country to New York. He was arrested Saturday at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Sturgeon told a federal magistrate Monday he “wasn’t trying to flee,” adding he’s a frequent traveler. His defense

I’m sure Mr Klein will be voting for progressive candidates dedicated to improving prison conditions from here on out now that his eyes have been opened.

Given that Spider-Man’s generally beloved by the public, the graffiti raises the question of what the hero could have done to turn them against him.

I can’t believe this movie is part of the Mr. Mom cinematic universe.