Mad and Boujee

Found this in time to watch the D-Nice Prince set. Thanks!!

Anesthesiologists have a high incidence of addiction, which is terrifying. He’ll go to rehab and claim it was his alcoholism. 

Please, let Trump continue to stack SCOTUS with youngish ultra conservatives. What could go wrong?

From the greys:

They know it’s over and now they want Trump to win again so they can be righteously indignant. 

It absolutely kills me that I will never get to read a new Dead Letters post.



They had us in the first half, I’m not gonna lie.

Put red beans and rice on your chicken sandwich and you’ll see God.

In Philly, Jeopardy is first.

BRB. Gonna reexamine the plight of the Weasleys in light of this new info.

The silver lining in this ridiculous story is that it's given her book a huge publicity boost.

What happened to the mothers after they gave birth?

Agreed. It would be helpful for kids who deal with parents with different addictions too. 

Local animal protection laws?

I heard on twitter that her father manages her. If that’s the case, kudos to him for helping her keep her head on straight. Child stars who become young starlets usually end up as strung out messes.

Average age of its readers is 58 and it has a majority female readership. So I guess old white women are lapping up hate articles on someone they’ve taken a set against for... reasons

Those sunglasses are the most.

Please report back to confirm you’re not dead.