Madame Leota's Balls

You hit the nail on the head. The Y always looked off to me, and that’s exactly it. It’s too tall for how short it is.

The Model Y is ugly.  It literally looks like a model 3 that was vertically scaled by 1.5.  Same with the X.

NO! we all know who the man Is. 3 Men and a Baby, Short Circuit, and the list goes on. Don’t harang us with such a clicky title. 

A merger like that could pique the interest of Jeff Bezos.

Just be careful if you’re zipping gravity back up, that is not something you want to get caught in.

Everybody’s walkin’ at me,

I get that it’s fun to point and laugh at the rich guy complaining about $9, but the issue he raises seems legitimate. His residence, his car, and his kids are all outside of the congestion zone but because of how the streets are laid out he has to briefly drive into the congestion zone when going around the block in

But this is just the speculation I’ve heard from a bunch of podcasts and the like.”

His “manifesto” is pretty much mainstream Republican talking points: “ prepared to fight to get the Dems out of the fed government and military by any means necessary. They all must go and a hard reset must occur for our country to avoid collapse.”

Unzips gravity?  WTF does this mean?

First off I am not under duress or hostile influence or control. My first car was a 2006 Black Ford Mustang V6 for verification.

Pobody’s nerfect, a my mom’s coffee cup like to remind me every morning as a kid.

For a pedophile drug addict, Gaetz sure does like to keep his name in the news.

Right wing terrorism is totally cool with right wing extremist.

A Chad is a good thing? I thought it was a male Karen. I’m so confused with slang today. I miss the tubular, bodacious days.

Different kind of wackiness in California too. In Florida the dude would have been pulled over on a John Deere riding lawn mower while 2/3 through a six pack of Natty Ice, with a pound of crack, a crossbow and a baby Caiman.

2nd gear — bought 1st new car ever, Mazda CX-90 and it is f#cking fantastic. I can see why they’re kicking ass now.

I’m gonna go dump a box of tea in a harbor, just to be safe.

tRump and musk are pieces of shit.  Fuck them and their idiot deplorables.

I have never understood why train crashes happen other than human stupidity. This is as controlled an environment as you could hope for with a fast-moving object: a train can move one of two possible directions and can only move on a fixed path. They make noise, be it from the vibrations in the rails, the flashing