“You like your culture when it suits you lmaooo.”
“You like your culture when it suits you lmaooo.”
Ah. Well good luck in life to you. Hopefully you find some peace.
Please, continue to fight your own team. I am not ignorant of history, institutional racism or even my own role within this culture we live in. But I’m not asking for “benefit of the doubt”, or a pat on the back, or a cookie. I’m saying that maybe if we work together, we can fix this. But I see you’d rather just put…
Dude, I’m all in favor of people figuring shit out, no matter how insufferable it may appear on the surface.
I’m a 41 year old white guy. I worked on Howard Dean’s campaign. I’ve been a “social justice warrior” since I was a teenager when my fellow gen-xers were checking out. I’ve been “woke” since probably before you were born - certainly before the stupid fucking phrase gained traction. Sorry if you got a shitty deal out…
White dude here. I don’t really get the argument you’re making. Fear has not forced me into giving a damn about people of different colors, I gave a damn long before Trump ran and I will give a damn long after. Sure, it’s a little disheartening that he is what it takes to “woke” people, but the truth is that maybe,…
Yes, let us reject those who only recently decided to agree with us. They are not the true believers of ‘woke’ but blasphemers in sheep’s clothing! I say we ridicule them for now agreeing and therefore discourage them from taking part. How dare they only agree with us now and not before!
Well they wouldn’t let him pick his on team, and he got a chance to see what a shit show this admin is, or “shit sandwich “ as he said. I worked with retired special operators who only had good things to say about him and I’m not surprised in the end he turned it down based off of what I’ve heard about him.
can we stop with all the bullshit & also racism? it goes both ways, to whites AND (/ESP) minorities. geisha is a profession/lifestyle in japan, where there are cases of non-japanese becoming geishas. it’s like becoming a nun or some other life altering, full time choice. can we pleeeeeeeease already stop with all the…
During her weekly press conference at Capitol Hill on Thursday, Nancy Pelosi said aloud what everyone’s been…
“We did not inflict this kind of obstructionism on President Obama,” Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.)
We should have sunk to their level a few years ago. Enough of this hippie love shit. No one gets to tell people that we need to give Trump a chance. He has done nothing but destroy civil rights and rape the natural world in all of 2 weeks. So fuck him and the GOP. No Gods No Masters and may trump choke on a chicken…
Agreed. And people saying don’t filibuster Gorsuch, just shut the fuck up. Don’t you realize that if your starting statement is, “well we don’t want to sink to their level” - then you may as well just proactively write a bill that hands the entire US government to the Republican part in perpetuity because they are…
There is literally nothing to be gained from any amount of cooperation.
There still remain many delights in the world, and one of those delights is the person of Bill Nye dressed up in a…
The Democratic Party, currently stuck in a coma, showed signs of life on Monday when it reacted to Donald Trump’s…
This. Start making the lists now, so the war crime trials can be resolved quickly.
I’ve noticed that Trump and the rest of the administration are especially triggered by women blatantly telling them “NO.” Perhaps if we keep using this tactic, they will all give themselves strokes.
“Fuck this country.” NO.