You brought up penile circumcision on an FGM post in the first place. You did the exact same thing that MRAs do. I realize you did it for entirely different reasons — as I wrote, your experience is important and valid — but it is NOT this. You are a woman who experienced penile circumcision and that is not what is…
Nowhere did this article even bring up circumcision. Why is it so hard to stay on topic when it’s about an atrocity that’s done to women’s sexual organs? Why is it always, “We must discuss the penis first!”
Yes, but there’s a time and a place to talk about nonconsentual circumcision of the penis. Generally speaking, it’s not when talking about forced clitorectomies, since that’s a specific problem that has proven pernicious and needs to be stamped out.
What the fuck? No. That is like saying if woman A slept with woman B who was trans but before she had transitioned in any way, or even publicly identified that way, then woman A has slept with a woman even though at that time woman B was biologically and publicly identifying as a man. Circumcision done to you as a…
Hot take: Why are you wasting your time on this site instead of saving Syrian children or, working with the homeless wherever you live, right this very second?
I dunno, if you’ve staked your identity and emotional wellbeing on being the hot conservative chick that douchey conservative bros all flock around, suddenly not having an outlet for that attention anymore probably is pretty destabilizing. Guess Tomi will have to figure something else to base her self worth on. …
If carrying out a murder-suicide of your partner isn’t enough to flag you as a miserable waste of humanity, try doing it in front of a classroom full of children aged 5 to 11.
i saw the picture of the little kids holding hands and immediately teared up. why. how. why.
Sometimes when I see ridiculous commercials, I try to imagine what that pitch meeting must have been like, and I feel like the phrase “protest is the new brunch” was uttered in this one.
His rants about women leaving BigLaw jobs after getting pregnant cinched it for me. Anyone that blinkered to the many fairly obvious reasons why women might not return to high-level jobs after childbirth OTHER than “mooching lying ladies scamming for their kids and taking men’s jobs for kicks” shouldn’t be in…
Let’s just get a running tally going...
Should a Jehovah’s witness boss be able to not cover blood transfusions?
Well employer provided health insurance is generally considered part of your compensation. So I might frame the two as “the right to decide how to use your paycheck” vs “an employer’s right to decide how employees use their paychecks”.
I’m all about trashy magazines for distraction, but I’ll cross this one off my list. I don’t give a shit about “growing up Trump” and I don’t need to have their “staggering wealth” shoved in my face while my taxes are paying for Trump’s $3 million weekend trips to his “Winter White House” (gag) while even MORE of my…
I flip it around :)
I have never understood why employers are given control over insurance in the first place. I mean, I know it has to do with being able to work with larger, more stable pools of people, but still – the idea that you have to get a job at a certain company in order to get good health care is completely absurd. Sure,…
Oh shit, you cracked the code. They don’t mean less government, they mean literally governing the smallest places.
Remember that time people lost their kazoo over a line in the ACA about medical biochips being added to a database and they thought it was an illuminati Obama conspiracy to implant all American citizens with a tracking chip of death?
I do hope those same people will contest an actual corporate gene…