Madame Goesler

Have you tried Rogaine? Just a little bit of the male rogaine on an eyeliner brush made mine grow back. Also, Latisse (generic name bimatoprost) can grow your eyebrows back as well. I’ve stopped using both for months at a time and my brows didn’t fall out.

So we recently ordered twin beds for my twins, and they were delivered on Saturday. And the delivery guy, who was super nice and joked with my little son etc while setting the beds up, totally did that to me when I said happy holidays at the door as they were leaving. We are Jews, and we have a mezuzah up and

Yeah, it’s super stylish to starve and murder little children! Hot! (And just FYI this wasn’t even within a mile of the most horrible images from the holocaust. But I didn’t want to post pictures of children’s corpses.) What you posted isn’t helpful. I can’t understand what your motivation is here?

Yes, I know. I’m a goldsmith/jeweler. :-)

Moissanite would wear really well, since it is harder than sapphire. A 9.25 on the mohs scale. What I think they got was a CZ that is coated in diamond. Those are POS and wear terribly. No one should be selling those. A real lab created diamond would be expensive and would just be a diamond diamond.

I agree that chocolate diamonds are a gimmick. But good champagne diamonds or a cognac diamonds are not gimmicks. They are brown and are fancy colored diamonds and they have their own grading scale, called the argyle scale. I think the problem with just saying brown is that most people can’t visualize what that

I’m 5'8 and their regular length pants are sometimes too long for me. So, I don’t know who all of these 7ft amazons are that are keeping Gap in business. Seriously.

Yes, they should. Marriage shouldn’t be a life sentence if you find that you aren’t happy there anymore.

I was there in 99 through 2000. Navy. :-)

You are so lucky to have had that time. My puggy died two weeks ago, and it was so unexpected. He had been slow and not eating well and the vet was trying to figure out what was happening. And then we came home and found him gone. It was so traumatic. I had banked on having some time to baby his old man self and feed

I think I might be the lone voice here. But, if your BF mother is interested and that also translates into help, then you should swallow your irritation and include her. Try not to get bent out of shape about little things, it makes life more pleasant. You might have to move past your “not into traditional, close

As my mother always told me, don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. Yes, it’s crappy. People and life are that way a lot of the time. But does making it crappier help you in any way?


Derek Schwartz. To be fair, I knew him when he was a teenager and some of the people I’m still friends with and that I respect are friends with him still. So, I don’t know. I just remember him being the kind of guy who would tell a girl that she “needed dick” if she wasn’t all warm and bubbly to him.

I was actually in the Navy with one of the guys in the new season, we went to school together at DLI. Kind of a douche, from what I remember. But people change?

Dieter. The fastest of the Pugs.

Yeah, sorry. Beards (of almost any length) are hot. I’m a married woman due to a beard. So.