“Almost everything went wrong.”
“Almost everything went wrong.”
After a long hiatus from an official news desk, Oprah Winfrey has landed a job as a special contributor for CBS’ 60…
no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?
Here is a very cool photo from today’s anti-abortion March for Life in Washington, D.C. Let’s all just look at it…
In the conversations about the risks Trump poses to women, religious and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, and the non-wealthy, we haven’t paid nearly enough attention to the utter devastation that is about to descend on public school students. This woman is as terrifying as any other nominee he’s put forth.
The UN had ruled that she was being tortured. Her sentence was fucking excessive and it was slowly killing her. The fact you say it was not means you have not read any of the details or you do not care.
Her sentence was the longest sentence for any leaker, ever. Yes, the leak was huge, but as the NY Times points out, none of the material was classified as Top Secret.
Don’t worry, I’m sure Trump will pardon Assange.
I read an awesome statistical analysis of Trump’s tweets and it’s a breakdown of when he writes his own and when he doesn’t. A fascinating study in the making of a sociopath: http://varianceexplained.org/r/trump-tweets/
No doubt that what this woman did was wrong, and she deserves punishment. I do not argue that. What I would struggle with, if the decision were up to me, is the lengths to which she should be punished, and the ways in which that punishment would further damage the daughter. The daughter is the one with the most to…
I think you’re oversimplifying the issues, though. Yes, she did a bad thing (a verrrrry bad thing) and yes she should be punished for it, but she didn’t steal this woman’s childhood. From the sounds of it she had a very nice childhood, her mother just happened to have kidnapped her. She more stole from the true…
Maybe she was a good mom but imagine all the hope and investment and love involved in carrying a baby inside you for nine months and then having that ripped away at the most powerful moment. Every moment that this woman was being a “good mom” she bore the conscience of that pain she had caused. PTSD and love make us…
God, what should the punishment be for this? Because the more prison time this woman gets, the more it will hurt her daughter. This case has me torn...I feel for this woman. She lost a baby and took someone else’s, and that was wrong. But she gave the girl all she needed and wanted for eighteen years. For all intents…
I normally don’t have any room to be calling out others over cultural appropriation (because white girl) but this smacked of it from go.
I find this to be an unpopular opinion among my largely 35-50 year old friends, but goddam I love my e-reader and I don’t care who knows it. It has that nice e-ink thing so it looks just like a novel. I can carry a kajillion books in one tiny package. It remembers what page I was on. I needed a third book in a trilogy…
Dear Berniebros*:
Unappreciated by whom, Joanna? By you and the rest of the media? Because unlike you elitists, honest, hardworking Americans have been appreciating the hell out of that table for years.
1. Kerry should have made this speech 2 years ago
Pamela Ramsay Taylor was the director of Clay County Development Corp, a West Virginian non-profit. Then she called…
I know i’m supposed to feel bad for Ivanka, but I can’t. Fuck her. Fuck her husband. They are going to make billions off the american taxpayer and have no shame or remorse or anything resembling human emotions. I might feel the slightest bit of pity for the kids, except then I remember they’re all fucking rich and…