Me, I’m holding out for Frito-Lay’s soon-to-be-annual Jalapeno Pumpkin Bean Dip.
Me, I’m holding out for Frito-Lay’s soon-to-be-annual Jalapeno Pumpkin Bean Dip.
Last year, Starbucks released the ever-controversial Pumpkin Spice Latte on August 25...
If grown-ass adults weren’t buying cookies on a regular basis, I wouldn’t see shelves full of them in every single grocery store.
The list referenced in the article was “year-over-year domestic sales growth”, which is (a) a fairly uniform standard, and (2) heavily influenced by expansion. It’s not surprising that First Watch hit that list a couple years ago; they were opening new locations like gangbusters at the time.
I guarantee that the Codblops studios have all received memos in the last week to work harder and release sooner. Bobby’s gotta have something to use for a distraction, and he’s gotta have it yesterday.
Walmart jumped on board with Disney today; that’s huge, considering where the bulk of their stores are located (and how deeply red their customer base tends to be).
It’s my understanding that the thrust of the order is “nobody can force you to prove that you’re vaccinated”. Which would mean that requiring vaccination as a condition of employment would run afoul of the order. Maybe there’s a gray area in the middle; if I’d need a lawyer to explain it, I’ll just accept that you’re…
Where’s my popcorn? I need to make sure I have a fresh batch before Florida’s governor turns purple, starts shaking, bares his teeth, and then cowers down and urinates submissively before giving Disney a special exemption from his “no vaccination requirement” order.
I think we’re all missing the big question here.
I remember how much fun it was to play Spider-Man. With keyboard and mouse, as St. Lee intended.
Let’s see, there’s trigonometry, integral calculus, differential equations, celebrity assassinations, number theory -- wow, it’s all right there!
This is the correct answer.
I’m fairly certain that places like Best Buy will be more than happy to install your new drive for you.
Marvel Heroes did much better in its first year. Just sayin’.
He Tried to Carve a 37th Chamber
Please tell me that the Boardwalk square is just a solid black rectangle.
This is just the Blizzard side of the house. The Activision side is gonna make this shitshow look like a non-playable demo.
Plus, now we know that Billy Crystal ended up being the dad.
Does a theatrical film count as a pilot? Asking for a friend named M*A*S*H...