In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only backlog.
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only backlog.
If anyone had been aware of Dead Yogi’s Kinja, I would have expected it to be Dead Elvis. Shows what I know...
Clearly they’re not going to rest until there are 40K games out there. Just 39,935 to go...
I just want to see Chewbacca popping the arms off of nine movies’ worth of bad guys. Is that so wrong?
The “killer app” for PC gaming is, and has always been, backwards compatibility. My 7-year-old’s favorite game right now is GLtron, which is older than the original Xbox.
I’m also going to conclude they’re a really bad cook.
So... in addition to Jack-in-the-Box curly fries, Arby’s will also offer White Castle crinkle fries?
The attempt to rebrand the holiday as Doomsgiving is off to a poor start.
Take THAT, Leonard Cohen!
I’ll be turning down the dawnzer tonight in Mrs. Cleary’s honor.
What’s in the loot box? WHAT’S IN THE LOOT BOX??!!!
In a bizarre coincidence, my PC-gaming wallet is also not coming to Avengers anytime soon.
Wow go fcuk yourself. Know when its too soon.
Good to see Tiger back in videogames. Hopefully 2K can do something about those random crashes.
Three shall be the number of rub rails installed, and the number of rub rails installed shall be three. Four shalt thou not install, neither install thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three.
I think this proves it’s a free-range artisanal lunch counter, specializing in gluten-free allergen-free flavor-free peanut butter sandwiches.
I hope he goes on a mission with a tan shield.
Rust servers destroyed by... fire?
Which just proved that the Klan couldn’t even be bothered to pick up the white trash.
“Enable VSync” used to be my first move. Then I bought a GSync monitor, and now my first move is “Disable VSync”.