
I predict people will enjoy the novelty of these new features for many minutes.

The government would also like to know when they can search through all your texts.

Envisioning a group of people asking a device what they should talk about makes me sad for humanity.

To me the most egregious racism in the MCU is that the one black guy in Asgard is the doorman.

An addendum to this, I have had a couple of Pixmas and if you didn’t use it regularly the ink would dry up and become unusable, no matter how much remained. Possibly the case with all inkjets, but this has been my experience with Pixma.

An addendum to this, I have had a couple of Pixmas and if you didn’t use it regularly the ink would dry up and

Hah, nope not taking the blame for those. I’m an old guy, my slang will never catch on beyond the walls of my house.

It’s very, very local in that I’m the only one I know who calls them this, other than my wife who picked it up from me. I invent language all the time.

Thanks for the tip. This was during a “complimentary" under-warranty annual inspection/tune-up, so hopefully the tech knew his stuff regarding my particular Samsung. 50/50 odds on that though, at best.

An aside: disher maintenance guy told me two things that extend the life of your disher: run the kitchen sink to its hottest temp, and run the garbage disposal if you have one, before running the disher.

This won’t help unless you have an iPhone, but I simply call up Amazon video on mine and mirror it on my ATV.

Once every 2-3 weeks for me.

I’m an animator, deeply entrenched in Apple’s ecosystem since the late eighties, and even I’m starting to tire of them. Not easy to climb out of a hole I’ve been digging for 30 years though...

Kind of like the upcoming Blade Runner sequel. We are all free to ignore it if we so choose.

Which is probably why they don't show it happening

Of course McShane makes it work, and I have been eagerly looking forward to him joining the cast ever since he was announced. Having him get GRRM’d during his one and only episode was worse than the Red Wedding for me.

I haven’t read the books, so I can only assuming you are hinting at him joining Westerosi Doctors Without Borders

This was simply Round 1 of Arya v Waif.

Nicely done. Even though Jon will certainly win the undercard, Bolton will always have the title of Biggest Bastard.

Well, if they’re gonna fail it might as well be fantastically