
Checked in just to make sure Devil’s Rain was on the list. Good work!

I want to want this, but I simply don’t.

I want to want this, but I simply don’t.

An honorary surgeon.

Are you certain this is hipster? I don’t see any Field Notes.

I would think the car’s behavior in such situations would be a user-enabled option:

I’m not really a TPB guy so I don’t know the typical turnaround time, but this looks great. Will/when might this be collected, approximately?

I hope this means the Kaby Lake versions rumored for October release are coming soon.

I hope this means the Kaby Lake versions rumored for October release are coming soon.

I bought one of these to replace a Sony HTC260, thinking the surround sound would be an upgrade. The audio quality on the Sony was far superior though, and I semi-regret the purchase.

I bought one of these to replace a Sony HTC260, thinking the surround sound would be an upgrade. The audio quality

Does per-key customizable backlighting mean that the type printed on each key is illuminated, or simply the key itself gets a halo of light?

Does per-key customizable backlighting mean that the type printed on each key is illuminated, or simply the key

That movie barely delivered on the promise of its title (although not as badly as Naked Lunch)

The Academy factors in far too many things that have nothing to do with a picture’s greatness.

One might infer that “did” (as in no longer does) may be a direct result of “honest.”

I have it on good authority that the series will end when the remainder of humanity simply cannot tolerate the stench of multi-billions of rotting corpses anymore, and they all vomit themselves to death.

I heard the coffee was ok.

So, you follow “The trick is to pick a substitute that feels special, but takes the same amount of effort to prepare” with the suggestion to make your own breadcrumbs instead of pre-made, and then saute and zest them.

In my never-ending search for the perfect front pocket wallet, the most important feature IMO is a size that allows money to be folded once, not twice. Seems like a minor issue but for me it’s very often the difference between actually putting the money in my wallet or just shoving it in my pocket because I don’t want

In my never-ending search for the perfect front pocket wallet, the most important feature IMO is a size that allows

The whole textbook situation is such a massive scam in so many ways, it really needs to be exposed more than it has been.

How did you feel about trees and raccoons before seeing GotG?

You are clearly just a shill for Big Lentil

I’d rather watch The Byrds vs The Avengers