
Should be Number 1, imho. It is creepy while at the same time its hard to make sense of what this rain really is and who it affects.

or as I call her “Ol’ freckle tits”

I just heard my credit card let out a little whimper.

My respect for Obama has increased a thousandfold for a single, simple reason:

Counterpoint. As “essential SF in a visual medium” there is nothing wrong with this list.

Sure! Popularity isn’t really a metric by which you can sensibly judge art. Is Thomas Kinkade the greatest painter of all time? Is Transformers 2 the best movie ever made? Of course not! We all acknowledge that there are some parts of art that are objective and some parts that are subjective, it’s just a matter of how

Man you’ve never been bored until you watch “there will be blood”. Ok, good actors. Sure. But man that film is boring, and I like slow paced movies.

In an era where that’s far more rare than it should be

I hope they get John Waters to play Dr Smith.

Exaggerated but not far off in concept.

Badge engineering at it’s best. Shame on you, Leica.

The real dirty bomb....

I get my third rabies vaccine shot today.

I flew cattle class once. Never again.

I also don’t want to see Apple become some monopoly on digital health records.

Thats just a close up of the boat course in Rio.

It’s probably not for every traveler

This is like, item #17 on the “single in your 30s” checklist, behind a cat/dog, bicycle, gin, and spoiled nieces/nephews. The way things are going for me lately, I will be making several of these little sadness puffs.

Chicago Abused Women Coalition

I find that when the bag is full and the contents are heavy, it drags the bag down and rips it out of the binder clip. Now you end up with big holes in multiple spots.