
Scorn & derision?

I have zero debt and get debt collector robocalls constantly. If I were a person with debt, or perhaps elderly or more gullible, I could se this becoming something far worse than an annoyance.

Smugness always backfires.

I use Waze on routes I already know for ETA’s, but I find it kind of terrible for rerouting. In an hourlong highway commute it will reroute me through a ridiculous number of turns every 250 feet just to shave a minute or two off a 60 minute drive. Personally I’d rather just take the extra couple of minutes not to have

I distrust scores in general, unless they are overwhelmingly universal. I also look at the sources of pull quotes on trailers. Ones that mainly feature obscure sources (usually identified in tiny print) seem like they had to dig really deep to find someone with something positive to say.

Who says there are no gay characters in Star Wars? Just because there are no blatant (gay) stereotypes?

I’m wearing my Martian right now and love it. I have it set to only notify me of calls and texts (which I was constantly missing) and it’s perfect for me. Shows enough text to know who the incoming is from, doesn’t look bulky or otherwise draw attention to itself, dirt-cheap compared to the others, and lasts about a

Pet surgery

I bought a Summit about six months ago and agree with you.

You’re probably the kind of guy who thinks bloating—I mean expanding—the Hobbit to three movies was unnecessarily excessive.