Lt. Major Asshole

How ABOUT that shit! After that poisoniong, Nunberg might very well be freaking out & trying to get put in jail on contempt charges, because jail is SAFER for him than taking his chances out there with the Russians on the loose.

Chris Berman can’t be racist. Some of his best friends are Tom Jackson.

When did the stock market crash.

While this is brilliant and hilarious and now I want to go binge watch John Hughes movies...FUCK BEN STEIN. Surprised quite frankly he hasn’t crawled out of his hole wherever he is to join this administration.

He knows the bast werds!

Next year: “Asian land wars are good, and easy to win,”

His supporters are too busy triggering libs to care about corporate malfeasance.

With the diabetes sponsorship, Golic is just buying time until he gets his own show on Sirius\Ex-Limb

Cash is harder to track and cash can’t be stopped before it clears. Then again, if the transaction went through the same guy that paid off Stormy Daniels, there was a check.

It was just “locker-room nuking.”

Come on, man.. nobody hangs themselves to Morrisey. That’s bush league.

“This is why Putin helped him attain the Presidency.”

Great work guys!


Good article! I’ll admit I only clicked cuz of boobs, though.


shoeless Bow Wow

guess that first cup of the blood of innocents can only get him so far

“The suffering of schoolchildren: YAWN.

I venture into the wastelands of Breitbart every now and then. There’s been a noticeable increase in “DACA recipient commits horrible crime” stories as the “deadline” comes closer. They’re all made up, of course, because those fucks never even bother saying you can’t fucking have a criminal record and be eligible for