Lt. Major Asshole

I'm not body shaming... it's not my intention... but conservative women and those fucking eyes. 

I tried both, I like and rooted for Wolf... but dayum that show was hot garbage plus that voice 

I think you’re going going back far but otherwise cannot argue... Wisconsin Boys club going down, Ryan , Walker, Preibus.  

Unless Ryan knew about Russia money laundering through the NRA to help GOP... ... Orin Hatch is who wouldn't be POTUS


Ben Mcadoo looks like a parent- child switcheroo and never learns his lesson. 

Giants fan ... fuck you both 

This scourcher made me go get aloe 

Pence was in charge of the transition.  Lied to congress and the Sunday shows about not knowing about Russian Flynn contacts and KT McFarland.  He's as Red as the rest em... he will resign before Trump 

This is a masterpiece!

So much this^

Fellow Giants fan. Disagree with your sentiment. Addition of Solder, RB depth with Stewart. We’ve just made sure Eli can play another year and can have a half second longer to not eat shit every play. Allow becks and engram to get open. 10-6 we good again .

That’s called an erection. Congratulations!!!🎈🎉

Take all my money and let’s get this thing moving

But is it ... Elite?

1 for every. 30,000!

I thought Mike Jackson already passed

Nothing matters anymore ... go for it

Does Huey Freeman count ?

He’s an honest to god , PRINCE