Lt. Major Asshole

Amy, stick to sports.

Charlie Weiss must have been hanging up there a while to have decomposed to basically just a skeleton.

The Lions: Reminding Bears fans that it could always be worse since before your dad was born

If we lived in a dictatorship there wouldn’t be any ‘institutions’.  We might have a blood-smeared John Kelly in charge, but what the hell do you do with that?

Liars, traitors and usurpers.

“It is the reason that Trump’s lawyers, in the end, can’t allow him to be interviewed by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. It would be like a 9-year-old defending a PhD dissertation. Or maybe a rabbit jumping into a buzz saw.”

Man, John’s gotta have a long face watching another one of his draft picks bust.

(A) “The economy and GDP and stock market are higher than ever before! I give myself an A+!”

I am not sure why but their hypocrisy is really getting on my nerves lately.

If we lived in a more respectful time, no Republican would have been elected to office since 1964.

Hey, Pence.

Deplorable, feckless cunt.

Shouldn’t Lebron just shut up and dribble?

I imagine there’s are a wide swathe of Trump supporters who think he’s full of shit, but like him due to what they believe to be his take on militarism, taxes, abortion issues, racism, sexism, Islamophopia, homophobia and or xenophobia in general.

We need Bill and Ted.

Using the phrase “tabernacle of liberty” should be grounds to get your ass kicked.

As an aside, I once tried looking up ‘thesaurus’ in a thesaurus. The book did a sorta folding-in-on-itself and the resulting vortex pulled me into this here universe— The Darkest Timeline.

Fuck off, Lahey!

Who fires a hero like this?