Lt. Major Asshole

LOL! Fucking droolers. Their blasphemy is the least of their worries. Were bout to take our country back and shove them back under the rocks they came from. Fuckers.

I’m a Black person that voted for Bernie

A lot of us did - precisely because we could not afford to just live with the consequences of voting for yet another empty suit corporate Democrat

Oh yeah... and “SUPERPREDATORS”

Also NAFTA  

Sadly, I'm sure he thinks him going somewhere else is punishing America. Instead, it's time to party!

Counterpoint, and one I’ve been arguing for about 4 years now: QB salary does not count against cap, or perhaps a second cap for QBs/Ks/Ps. Et voila problem solved.

While you’re asking that question, why not also ask about defeating Communism and what exactly is going on in China right now?


Times they are a changin’.

There’s no “the left”, only public corporations enforcing their policies (finally).

The memorial signpost for Emmet Till, the black teenager killed in 1955 after he was wrongly accused of whistling at a white woman, has been shot again—35 days after the sign was replaced because vandals shot it.

“If you thought the Uranium One ‘scandal’ was terrible, just wait until you hear the info we have on Hillary’s involvement in the Plutonium Two dealings, tonight on Hannity.”

Excellent point. If you’re going to sow discord, at least be courteous enough to do it for only one team (here's to you, HOFer Jerry Jones!)

He’s great.

This and the fact that TO was unapologetic about the fact that he was great. I think Sportswriters like to be the ones to anoint greatness but TO wasn’t kowtowing to their BS. Glad he’s in the Hall, glad he didn’t attend their stupid ceremonies, and glad he showed up the Hall and the Sportswriters for the hypocrites

What a pair of proud patriots.

I, for one, see it as a positive sign that a sixty-something rural Ohio Republican can feel comfortable wearing a shirt that proudly displays a sweaty, muscular ass.

Ohio is full of fucking idiots like that.

I really wish I could be there the moment Don Jr. has the stunning realization that his father is going to have absolutely no issue with sacrificing him in order to try and save his own ass.

This is outrageous! The pizza papa is a part of our history, and they’re wiping our history off of buildings to appease people offended by his use of racial slurs. What’s next? Removing statues of people who were in open rebellion of the United States over the issue of owning people?

Could not agree any more.