Lt. Major Asshole

it’s french.

So more like escarnot then huh?

“You cannot be anti choice and feminist. Period.”

That was actually handled very poorly. The best way to handle Milo and his ilk is to simply not show up or even care that he’s there. The reaction was the real bummer. That’s not how you handle these people and all that was accomplished was y’all gave fuel to the false equivalency BS coming from the concern trolls on

I don’t know how to deal with this level of disgust.

Zero. But he gets his exercise from dodging and weaving the truth, so it all evens out.

Wow.. that is a Booth sized hole in his head!

I’m surprised Jefferson didn’t get Madison to take his walks for him.

Fuck this posturing, irritating, fake-ass bitch. I love that she spent all Wednesday with a fucking ash cross on her forehead to pander to her viewers. Maybe think about what Jesus would say about the wealth inequality in this country, you hateful cunt.

The men and the women.

Damn, Brady lost another championship?

You misspelled Corgi.

Hi Dom,

Same. If you can’t admit that someone is objectively beautiful, you have some issues to confront.

North and South Korea(who are our allies, btw) are a unified delegation for the Olympics. Maybe being the bigger man and standing for our allies should mean more than trying to stick to ole’ Un, no?

Is this article serious? Really?

Glory boy sports babies are what’s wrong with This Country!He needs to get a Job!Cryin Cassius has no place in The Swamp!

I grew up in SE Ohio. Graduated from OU. Lived in and loved Columbus. Some parts of the state are great places to live but Trump lovers in Appalachia are fucking shameful.

The limited edition Toxic Garbage Blizzard was actually a big hit. I think it'll be back on the menu in 2017.