Just Jeepin'

I worry about Marvels. I liked Captain Marvel, but it wasn’t great, and its popularity came, in part, from a bait and switch: better watch this new movie, she’s going to be real important in Endgame! And then in Endgame, she’s barely in the movie, and doesn’t really play into the story except as a deus ex machina. And

Nah, both terminator and star wars had problems long before Emilia Clarke showed up. 

If people think the MCU was hard to keep track of before, just wait until “maybe everyone you know is a shape-shifting alien” story kicks in. 

The Pete’s Dragon remake was an unexpected masterpiece. I don’t know how it didn’t get more attention then, or doesn’t seem to be much remembered just seven years later. It’s superior to the original in every single possible way.

If you have kids I would recommend the “how to train your dragon” book series. It is great for a certain age kid. Also in the books toothless is VERY different.

Oh, that’s really neat! Weirdly, I also counted 14 kills initially in the very first fight at his house, but the movie is pretty clear about there being 12. The films like to do a thing where JW will shoot a guy a couple of times but he’ll get back up for one last hit that can kind of juke the count a bit.

I hadn’t realized that until the other article a few days ago pointed it out. So John Wick killed, what, several hundred assorted goons over about 6-8 days? Say what you will, that’s pretty impressive in its way.

It’s a ridiculously short timeline - Theon Greyjoy only killed the puppy about a week ago.

Right, but remember that in regards to “time” in the movies, films 2 and 3 and now 4 are basically continuous.

FlorPu is quite funny. Tempted to just watch her scenes with Hailee Steinfeld from Hawkeye instead of this

Man, even junky Flo-P is radiant.

BoJack Horseman was his apex. Not as an actor, as a self-aware person.

Its not a competition. More than one racist thing can be happening at the same time.

Is it possible—stick with me here—that after nearly 20 years of having Marvel and DC movies crammed down their throats, today’s movie-going audiences are a little superheroed-out?

I don’t think the general public is aware that the DCEU (a term they probably don’t know) is being rebooted into the DCU, so I doubt that was the main problem. But, as someone who hasn’t seen either movie, I can’t help but think this movie should have been a buddy flick between Shazam and Superman, especially given

It was fine.


I’d be one of those 50 sacrificed to improve our culture. Which volcano should I head to?

Fuck this. First time I saw him was in the West Wing - he’s the cop who first questions Toby about the homeless man in the classic Christmas episode in the first season.

This is the worst news ever, and until someone forces me to accept it, I’m just going to believe it’s not true. Liars, all of you.