Just Jeepin'

I still have to applaud the linguistic shift from “democratic cities” to “democrat cities”. They really know how to work the language. I still remember when Frank Lutz changed “Global Warming” to “Climate Change”. Slow clap for the end of democracy. Maybe they’ll rename “fascism” something like “correctivism”. Staying

Never gonna get a canal job with that attitude, friend. 

1. You’re looking for something that isn’t there.

2. You missed the part where this completely wipes San Francisco off the map.

I won’t ever own one but we rented a Wrangler on the big island in HI, immediately took the doors and roof off, and took it into the lava fields. What a riot. I will never forget the sound of my kiddos giggling uncontrollably in the back as we bounced our way to the beach. They are great when used for the intended

The local news definitely covered Superman’s death when I was a kid. It was a rare occasion when comic books crossed into mainstream culture because of surprise rather than moral outrage.

I’m still waiting for a multiverse crossover event, the Council of Bens, where every martyred Spider-relative comes together in an afterlife nexus to dispense folksy wisdom from beyond the grave.

it was basically the reason anyone my age started collecting comics. i started with the death of superman, ended with the spider-man clone saga.

Look up the “leak”. Apple servers were not compromised. The dude phished the actors themselves and hacked their accounts by sending fake emails to them.

I’m not even going to reply to them since based on their other comment, they don’t know what they are talking about. Everyone is entitled to their own personal preferences and can make their own value judgements but there’s a reason all of the sites we are on all day are built on Apple. The engineering teams at

As someone who has worked in tech for over thirty years and doesn’t want or need to do all of that shit on my own time.”

I don’t know if that is a truly fair evaluation of Apple’s proposal to consumers. They do have some unique tech at least at the scale they’re doing it. Is everything they do competitive in terms of functionality, no, not to speak of cost competitiveness, but to characterize them charging you double for something you

It’s easy to go the “Fuck you” approach when you’re Batista’s size.

It is obvious that Strange went for the one timeline where the only person on Titan that would die was the one who annoyed him earlier in the movie by being the exact same character type right down to the elaborate facial hair.

To be fair, he didn’t exactly ‘defeat’ Dormammu so much as pull a universal equivalent of turning off the heater during winter to get unwanted houseguests to leave. MCU Strange isn’t exactly ‘powerful’ so much as he’s crafty.

I kind of meant it as a joke and then got more into the idea. Lex should be menacing as well as smart, and I think DB can pull that off.

Jesus, it is startling how much sense that makes. Bautista totally has the stillness and contemplativeness to make that work.

Strange saw all possibilities. You have to go with the narrative logic that if Strange had forewarned Quill or anyone else, it would not have worked out and blown the one shot. Or if had used the time stone trick like he did on Dormammu, Thanos would have been able to get out of it using the other stones.

If Gunn is truly thinking of pinching some Guardians for DC films, then I nominate Bautista for Lex Luthor.

“The guy who shot his dad thirty times approximately 0.00005 seconds after learning he killed his mom would absolutely not have punched Thanos in the face after slowly considering the possibility that he killed the woman he loved.”

Ah yes, Keven Fiege, Kevin Feige’s non-union equivalent.