Kung Fu Panda 3 was undoubtedly the weakest of the three, but overall it’s such a great trilogy that I can forgive it.
Kung Fu Panda 3 was undoubtedly the weakest of the three, but overall it’s such a great trilogy that I can forgive it.
No Cornetto trilogy? No Kung Fu Panda? Bah.
I couldn’t make it 5 minutes. The opening sequence seemed to be fan service for the people who loved Boba Fett, but for me, I really couldn’t give a rat’s ass about his backstory.
The Turbo reveal was brilliant. Just a few subtle clues if you were really paying attention, otherwise it caught you completely off-guard.
Bottle Caps. They used to be large and tasty. Now they’re tiny and bland.
Also better awareness of sun damage/better sunblock, I believe.
I thought he was great as a brother figure, but the movies haven’t done the character justice yet.
Plus no more Ezra Miller headaches.
Wait, he wasn’t already playing an anti-hero?
The raw emotion of his leap of faith, that glorious “upward” motion. So good to see it in this trailer again.
It’s hard, however, to picture a gender reversal. Would they have ever cast her in the Tom Cruise role: a coward, a soldier who’s incompetent at using the same equipment she promotes, who’s practically suicidal for much of the film?
What If? was his last work.
I own two episodes via iTunes: the D&D episode Netflix removed for blackface so I could see the darned thing, and this one because obviously.
I canceled my subscription over Zaslav’s heavy-handed scythe, but that’s a mere drop in the bucket.
So you’re saying there’s still time for After After MASH.
As a young actress, you can’t exactly conjure a new superhero franchise out of thin air to star in. This is a little different from an internal corporate project being shelved.
Plus “googly eyed Pixar flicks aimed squarely at young children” doesn’t sound like classic Pixar at all.
Her powers are indeed among the least interesting aspects of this series, but the supporting cast, the cultural aspects, are so good. And I suspect she’ll find more interesting uses for her powers over time.