Backhanded compliment, but the first one was one of the best DCU movies.
Backhanded compliment, but the first one was one of the best DCU movies.
The fun thing about being in the 40's for a person who watches some sports is to consider an slow veteran player as an old guy... then realizing that the guy is actually 10-15 years younger than me.
Ben Affleck: I don’t want to squander any more of my life, of which I have a limited amount.
Which makes her feeling the need to “apologize” for being a “dickhead” to the press around this time in her career (according to your article about her last week) all the more infuriating. She was clearly going through some shit.
The image show in this article makes the movie seem like a Power Rangers knock-off.
Of course Grogu can do that. The power of adorbs knows no bounds. He even got Werner Herzog to squee like the audience of a BTS concert.
“Every war ever” is practically reductio ad absurdum, but there is an old saying that winning the war is harder than winning the peace. I think that’s a more subtle reading of what they are trying to get at.
Came here to see where Hoosiers ended up. About half of my high school’s basketball team were among the cast. That’s now-Doctor Steve Hollar with the big grin in the header photo — he got to punch another player and coach Gene congratulated him, sort of.
I walked out of a class taught by a guy who sounds like this. Down to being an absolute asshole to an earnest student. Went back for the final, passed the class. Real life is too short for that kind of bs.
Meanwhile at...oh, also the BBC...unnamed senior sources say an environmentalism-related episode of David Attenborough’s Wild Isles has been cut from airing, for fear of offending the conservatives.
It’s those last .39 years that feel the longest.
The roller-coaster at the end of the universe.
“What 90-minute movie is actually going to dispense with either of its leads midway through its runtime?”
I had fun with this. Modest high-concept adventure like we saw more of about twenty years ago.
I will go see it if only to support the general concept of dinosaurs in movies. They’re awesome! They should be in every movie! Instead we only get them in Jurassic Park movies, and only one of those was good (great, actually)!
He’s the love child of John Wick and Severus Snape.
Farrelly has a long history of employing the differently abled, and has generally been extremely respectful.