Just Jeepin'

Their aircraft is struck by lightning, comms go down, and it’s looking like curtains for all.

Yeah, one of them crawled out of a Sarlacc pit and took over a criminal syndicate where he doesn’t kill people, levy tribute or pretty much anything criminal syndicates usually do.

I’m imagining what goes on at the typical search party:
“Well Cap, we looked everywhere we typically look. We found nothing.”
“Well, did you look here?” *points on map*
“Why not?”
“We don’t typically look there.”
Well maybe somebody should go look there!
And they’d find like dozens of plane and boat wrecks and all

Interesting that Spider-Man is namechecked in the first teaser ... isn’t this plotline somewhat lifted from No Way Home? Temptation to monkey with the timeline leads to catastrophic results? NONE of the Avengers have reached out to one another with a “DO NOT MESS WITH THE MULTIVERSE ANYMORE!” dictum?

His work as an Avenger means he’s missed out on a lot of those crucial life moments; in particular, being alongside his daughter as she grows up in a flash

Paul they loved you up and turned you into a sandy worm.

This parody has prospects. It’s bona fide.

“Sir, it seems that you’re are a no better a judge of fremen than you are a specimen of one. Just on a brief inventory I’d say you could use yourself some water and a better disposition. And lastly, if you don’t my mind me aspersing your friends... a better class of spice buddies.”

O Sandworm, Where Art Thou?

I knew a man named D. Idaho,

I’m guessing he’ll be the softspoken yet soulfully observant sidekick to the GodEmporer’s crosscountry Americana escapades.

That’s a shit line, but Whedon’s other contribution was pretty good.

If we all liked the same things it would be a boring old world.

How do you reflect on movies made by real life monsters?

Apparently, in the original script, Toad asks a bunch of similar rhetorical questions during various confrontations in the film, so Storm’s line was meant to be a rejoinder to those. At some point they cut all those lines, though, thus removing all the context for Storm’s line and turning it into one of the worst

Being taken out by a snow plow sounds about Hawkeye.

Alas, I can’t find the old Vanity Fair article, but they did an extensive thing where they broke down how Waterworld was caught up in a fight between some big players (like Spielberg) in Hollywood and Matsushita, the then-new owners of Universal. I wish I could find it to confirm the details, but essentially it was

I could definitely envision a reboot where she becomes a watcher for a new Slayer (or, following the finale, Slayers), but she’s not very good at it because she will still want to fight the vamps herself. Hijinks ensue.

“Yankees Fans. (Eyeroll.)

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Silverado may not get much airtime today but as a child of the 80s I can confirm every guy I knew absolutely loved it. Kevin Kline as a believably menacing quick draw artist is a high point.