I hope this humbles the Rock, he makes up with Vin, and the two star in the Tango and Cash remake they’ve always been destined to make.
I hope this humbles the Rock, he makes up with Vin, and the two star in the Tango and Cash remake they’ve always been destined to make.
Battle not with candyasses, lest ye become a candyass, and if you gaze into the bald, the bald gazes also into you.
Give him credit for realizing alcohol is one of the few things that could make that movie tolerable.
Lynch’s Dune made the fatal mistake of trying to cram the entire book into a single movie - I saw it in theaters, and they were handing out pamphlets that tried to explain the story and characters. (You know a movie tested very, very poorly when they try something like that.) Probably Lynch didn’t have a choice - it…
He shouldn’t sell his MCU work short. Comedy is hard, and he was great at it — and Drax is one of the MCU’s most memorable characters. (His performance, along with good writing, elevated the character beyond a one-note hyper-violent clown.)
I’m a huge fan of Lynch’s Dune, first off because I grew up watching it but mostly because it portrays the sheer weirdness of people, things and ideas that are 10k years advanced from us. Patrick Stewart carrying a pug into battle? Sure, why not, people now do things that would seem absolutely insane to someone 10k…
Man...so much snark here. The descriptions of the injury sound truly awful, like injuries he could never fully recover from if he survives. And it sounds like he was just trying to help people out. Feel horrible for him.
Heroes don’t always wear capes (but sometimes they do and also shoot arrows and drive snow plows)
Even though we got a lot of eye-rolling exercise, my wife and i found it engaging enough to be enjoyable. Would we have stuck it out if my wife weren’t in Cumberbatch’s thrall? Hard to say. But she was and is, so we did.
That’s mostly down to the performances – especially the two leads that Moffat is right to consider…
Yeah, how strange to want to be able to drive out of your garage and onto the roads
you know, far be it from me to defend Sherlock, a show that was mostly stylish garbage, but in the original story Holmes noted scratches on a pocket watch from its winding key, and extrapolated the same conclusion. moffat and gatiss had a lot of bad ideas, but in their very mild defense that particular bad idea was…
I agree that people shouldn’t do this. That said, I can’t stop myself rom laughing when I remember that William Atherton, who played Walter Peck in ‘Ghostbusters’, had a bunch of people on a bus yell “Yo, Dickless!” at him on the street once.
And as you know, men are judged for their appearance in exactly the same way women are, which was why both Will Smith and Chris Rock showed up in sparkling gowns and everyone spent more time asking them who designed their dresses than about the roles that brought them to the Oscars.
That “kid” is 33 not but it’s still shitty to be mean to him over his role in Star Wars. Even good actors looked like idiots in those movies because Lucas sucks at writing and directing people
I know two actors in real life, both were on soaps. One of them literally got slapped on the subway in NYC because her character was coming between a popular couple. Another got stalked so bad by someone mad at his character, he actually had to move to keep himself safe.
“Tom Cruise, still boyish at 60"
“gave Cruise a viable love interest in Jennifer Connelly”
alright, how much did Cruise pay you to write this?
It’s really disturbing how often people can’t tell the difference between fiction and reality. The actor who played Frank Burns on M*A*S*H received hate mail all the time and people were rude to him on the street. I’ve actually seen people claim that so-and-so would only have accepted the villain role because they…
The Book of Boba Fett was so pointless that the show itself gave up and just turned into The Mandelorian halfway through.
Just take a look at the Homecoming one again - the guy with the boombox is Kirk Thatcher, who played ‘Punk on the Bus’ in Star Trek IV.
The director has said it’s the same character, thus the MCU and the Star Trek universe are THE SAME UNIVERSE.
How cool is that?
I’d give an honorable mention to the Insomniac game Marvel’s Spider-Man. I played the game shortly after his death, and this sweet, touching scene hit me like a gut punch.