Just Jeepin'

that was just mean, i dont understand mean pranks, they just show the person doing them is a complete asshole.

Part of Goodman’s range though is that he can be both the warmest, most comforting guy ever, but can also play absolutely TERRIFYING, which is an end of the spectrum I have a hard time seeing for Candy.

The whole scene where Wall-E uses the fire extinguisher to glide around in space with Eve is breathtaking.

He became president.

The SHABCU was king in the 80s. 

Save Thor for the next Secret Wars/Kang Dynasty films.  I’m okay with not seeing Thor for a while. Let his little girl grow up a little more.  If they’re serious about “killing Thor”, that should be in an Avengers film, not another solo film.

One of my favourite lines from Neil Gaiman’s ‘American Gods’ is, “Chicago happened slowly, like a migraine.”

I’m going to put forth a bold and unconventional theory:

I can understand Hemsworth as an actor wanting Thor to go into another direction. He’s played the role about a dozen times both live action and voice over. Given the general response to Love and Thunder and where he is with his life now, it make sense that he’s hesitant to return. Or he would like to kind of finally

He’s also going to be closer to forty-five than forty by the time another slot for a solo Thor movie comes around, and keeping in Thor shape has got to take a toll.

Asked and answered. Ragnarok was kind of lightning (har har) in a bottle, and Love and Thunder was such a sweaty and obvious attempt to recreate that magic that it fell flat.

I’m a big fan of Raknarok, and Love & Thunder is the most I’ve enjoyed anything from Marvel since the first Iron Man and Captain America: First Avenger. But a change in direction for Thor sounds good too.

You can’t underplay the runway part of the rental car debacle. These days a guy with a bag running across a runway would shut down the airport and summon the SWAT team.  

Right. It’s a cute piece and gives us all a moment to reminisce about a classic movie. I’m all for this.

lot of dissenting opinions here but this is exactly the kind of piece i used to see on websites all the time and love reading. it’s airy, it’s fun classic internet nit-picking.

Because you want to see three-dimensional, fully fleshed-out gay characters that don’t need to be justified since human beings shouldn’t have to justify their existence, right?

(And the declining quality of experiences so far hasn’t hurt the business — in a way making it something like the airline industry.)

M-I-C . . . won’t see ya real soon!
K-E-Y . . . why? because you’re fired!

It’s a generational cliff now; not much tracks in popular culture here pre-1990 unless it’s a visible-from-all-corners mountain. Hell, in the pre-Kinja AV Club, there was a generational divide between the site writers and the commentariat about WKRP and the Thanksgiving episode, and that was back in 2013:

Now playing

Are you fucking kidding me with this? Ignoring WKRP in Cincinnati?