“That moon belongs in a museum!”
“That moon belongs in a museum!”
I want a scene of senior and slightly senile Indy at a retirement home bitching about Nazis in NASA, and then some orderly come by, tells him it’s time for his pills, and wheels him back to his room, while he complains like Grandpa Simpson.
“Ah, Smithers, you laughed when I bought Ticketmaster! ‘No one’s going to pay a hundred percent service charge!’”
Excuse me while I go throw up...
But they aren’t “real” Christians. For that, we ought to look to the example of Trump.
Don’t they have paparazzi on Krypton?
I am gay, so please allow me to issue a formal “oh no! Anyway...” on behalf of my community.
It’s frustrating the way Black Widow got shuffled around, because it was really a film that should’ve been made and released years ago, but it took forever for them to actually make no doubt to internal politics of too many male executives (*cough*Perlmutter*cough*) insisting we couldn’t have a female-led movie. Fans…
the real question is are audiences going to put up with the wait. i know they’re setting a bunch of things up, but i haven’t enjoyed watching that setup.
“Throughout the pandemic”
Personally, I like that this phase has been fractured. It should be fractured and messy. After Endgame, it would’ve been a cheat to immediately jump in and start building to another BIG DAMN THING. They needed to take a breath and allow the existing heroes to try to find their place after Endgame. Not just the blip,…
Have we forgotten some of the missteps of the Infinity Saga? I think we look back on that with rose colored glasses. Everyone was mad when Age of Ultron came out and seemed to be not as good as everything else. People hated Thor: The Dark World. It was an excellent build with some wonderful parts, but it was not this…
in the same way that the comics are ‘all separated’ until they aren’t. nothing more frustrating than picking up a spider-man comic and realizing you needed to read 2 months of moon knight to understand it.
I loved Moon Knight. That and Loki were my favourites, so I think this is a case of YMMV.
They’re kind of doing that, but also not. Wanda’s motivation in Dr. Strange 2 literally makes zero sense if you haven’t dutifully watched all of WandaVision (it doesn’t fully make sense if you *have* seen it, but at least you know who the kids are). Falcon & the Winter Soldier was obviously designed to go around in a…
I don’t find the character of Rita Vrataski to be overtly stoic. She is unquestionably strong but that’s more due to her experience in the battlefield after countless of time loops, and despite being hardened by it she still get scared and show moments of vulnerability. You kind of feel like being this huge war hero…
“Sherlock Holmes gets to be brilliant, solitary, abrasive, Bohemian, whimsical, brave, sad, manipulative, neurotic, vain, untidy, fastidious, artistic, courteous, rude, a polymath genius.
Female characters get to be Strong.” - Sophia McDougall