No propane or propane accessories in the list of advertisers?
I enjoyed the episode, but much less because it seemed obvious they were recycling Jessica’s few lines from older episodes. RIP. She could have had a lot of snarky jokes about Archer in this one.
I have no idea who it was, but it definitely wasn’t Patrick Stewart.
Seemed painfully obviously sarcasm to me.
I assume the distinction is that he lied to, framed, and endangered Wakanda. He absolutely worked hard for it, but I can see why T’Challa would argue against that being “earning” it.
The Brady Bunch could have been a very different show with a younger housekeeper.
…her superpower is basically just “guns”
I feel like I cried my way through at least two episodes’ worth. What a wrenching finale.
Having never seen any of their content, apart from a trailer at a recent movie that left me horrified, I decline to take any moral responsibility for this madness.
“Crazy, that the killer was the first person we met.”
I must admit I could have really used that warranty on my LJ. Transmission, differentials, lockers…been a nightmare.
I had an opportunity to buy one last year, but pandemic, sigh. So beautiful.
Started well
This is what all those Tahoe drivers SHOULD have.
One of the funniest long-running gags that practically no one caught in Community is that the third time over several episodes someone said “Betelgeuse” someone wandered through the background outside the study room dressed like Keaton.
Well, during “a” war. He was drafted during the Korean War.
FWIW, I strongly disliked Gina (with rare exception) but love Doug Judy (again with rare exception). Too much fun shared between him and Jake to not like him.
“beet red” please.
THANK YOU. The Internet is a cruel environment for pedants.