“My generation of Jeep was the last true Jeep” is a decades-old lament that continues to be as untrue now as it was when the YJ came out and CJ fans uttered it.
Provisionally. There are definitely some flags.
This actually seems like it might be a great use case for self-driving technology. Let the computer handle the steering for any complex turns, with a driver present to take over if something completely unexpected happens.
old school station wagons should have wood-panel siding
I sure can’t find anything in the rules to indicate the EV parts are excluded, but that seems like such an egregious violation of the spirit of the EV initiative that I hope it’s an oversight.
Thank you for violating the letter of Bill Watterson’s copyright and cheapening the spirit of his marvelous comic strip. Such a proud moment to be a Jalop.
Yeah, this pisses me off (pun not intended but I guess I’ll embrace it).
Certified pre-owned.
There was an informative (likely flawed, but still interesting) study conducted last year(?) by giving people a personal driver for a period of time; sure enough, they used their cars much more. Pretty sure it was posted here.
Closest I’ve ever come to something like that was putting a few hundred pounds of mulch (in bags) into and on top of the trunk in my del Sol. Amazing how much trunk capacity that thing had. I miss it dearly.
Nice. Since I don’t often drive automatics, the drive/reverse layout made perfect sense to me: drive is forward, reverse is back.
I used them, and I know some Tesla owners were thrilled to use the charging stations.
I’m a sad, mostly previously happy but infrequent user of their service. My Jeep is almost always in the shop, or so it feels, and back before the sky fell in I commuted to an office with one of their locations right outside.
But Sonny would have wanted copyright to last forever!
Disney, abusing copyright law? Say it ain’t so!
I must live in the wrong part of the country. The only Porsche in my local Craigslist for under 9k is a Cayenne.
As someone who likes reducing his Jeep to its bare essentials every summer...I dig this.
There was a surprisingly affordable, beautiful purple CJ-7 for sale about 3 hours from here this spring, but given the virus, I didn’t feel comfortable taking the financial gamble (or the trip) to buy it. Disappointing.